View Full Version : Lymphoma Freaking Out - Please Help

26-09-16, 19:41
About 2 cm directly beneath my ear lobe I can feel a dime size, fixed, relatively hard mass. It's underneath the neck muscle so I have to do a bit of digging to find it.

I felt it about a year ago but thought nothing of it because it really didn't feel abnormal and there were no other symptoms.

Now, feeling it again, I'm freaking out that it might lymphoma. I've no other symptoms, it's not gotten larger, but I can certainly feel something beneath the muscle a couple cm below my earlobe.

I'm 23 years old with no history of any cancer in my family whatsoever, not that it means anything.

Any answers are appreciated, thank you in advance.

26-09-16, 21:08
Our body is full of asymetrical imperfections, including lumps. You should go to a doctor if it's rapidly growing and becoming painful. If it's been there a year you're alright.

26-09-16, 22:47
My brother had the same thing. It was a cyst that was eventually drained and I am telling you he had it for a really long time. That was like 15 years ago. It sounds the same to me.

27-09-16, 09:43
My mother-in-law had (and was cured from) a lymphoma, and it appeared and grew very quickly. If it's been the same size for a year I wouldn't worry, but if it's bothering you see a doctor for peace of mind.

27-09-16, 14:48
Thanks for the replies, it's all helpful. I'm just worried as even though I've felt it for a year, I have read cases of people where there have been zero symptoms of lymphoma. Just a very scary though for me.

Thanks for the replies and any other insight/experience is appreciated.