View Full Version : Blood pressure question

26-09-16, 19:48
Hi! I have a BP question...

So any time I go to a doctor, my BP is always SKY high... like today it was 158/107. So they always get concerned because I'm young, which then gets me concerned.
But I have noticed that when I take my BP at home it is usually lower..but MUCH lower if I take it twice with a few minutes in-between. Is that normal? I can't figure out if I'm just anxious about having it taken the first time, or if it's normal for the 2nd reading to be lower. And which one is correct?

Any info would be great. Thanks!

26-09-16, 20:51
I experience similar whenever I go to the Doctors, first reading is always very high, second reading is more normal, mine is obviously the anxiety of being at the Doctors and the fact I am having a test done. By the time I gave it done a second time, im calmer and more at ease with my surroundings. Sorry, I have never taken my BP at home so I've no idea how I would react and I'm not sure which of the readings would be correct. The Doctor always disregards my first reading as it's generally off the scale! Is there a particular reason you have a BP machine at home?

26-09-16, 21:16
It is called White Coat Syndrome

01-10-16, 03:14
Happens to me every time I go to the Dr.