View Full Version : Not good at all..

29-03-07, 08:03
So, today started out really well. For the first time in a long time I woke up feeling pretty ok. I went to work and even decided to venture into a store afterward! And I didn't just get the things I needed, i actually stayed in there long enough to shop. I was so proud. I felt crappy and I felt panicky the whole time in there but i stuck through it.
Tonight is another story. I have all kinds of family drama, and men drama, and It's hitting me quite hard. I've drank a couple of beers and took a couple of xanax and I know its a temporary fix and I'm going to hate myself for it in the morning, but I feel good now. I don't want to have to do this to myself just to feel good... there has GOT to be SOME way to get over this! I'm so sick of not being able to go get groceries, or function at work like i should be, or even taking care of my daughter the way i should be. My anxiety/panic is now leaning toward depression, even on good days I cant be happy. I don't know what to do anymore.

29-03-07, 08:44
Are you on any medication apart from xanax? Often anxiety and depression go hand in hand so when the depression is treated the anxiety follows. Know what you mean about the beers, alcohol is a quick fix but not a great idea but I drink it anyway! Let us know how you are today.

29-03-07, 09:38
Hope you feel abit better today???

Piglet :flowers:

29-03-07, 10:25
:( is there anything that ever causes it or will it just not go away? ._.

you mentioned in another thread that some diet and lifestyle changes helped... maybe you could experiment? this lady at nhs direct said that reflexology really helps to calm you down too :)

oh, and you said you have family drama and stuff, maybe that is making it worse? if it feels like nothing is causing it though then i don't know ._.

i hope today is better though, hang on in there :)

29-03-07, 10:45
Hello there:hugs: sorry you are so down hun.Hey i have been where you are,grabbin the beer and meds,dont work does it?:) I am not preaching as i do still doit sometimes hun:blush: I thinkit is habit and learned behavior patterns,you have to breakthe chain of negative thoughts.You had a good day?Where has that gone??It is as real as the bad day yet we dont focus on the good day as the bad is so familiar..doyou see where i am coming from:) like an old pair of slippers we slip on the familiar feeling of negativity..i do it too,but i am learning to build on the positive so that will become so familiar to seem normal to me too!Give it a try hun..then the booze simply is not as necessary:flowers: here any time you want to talk.:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

30-03-07, 03:19
Thank you for all of your friendly replies. It really means alot to me to know that somebody out there cares, and can relate a little. I had a little bit of a better day today, the problem is my anxiety is such a constant thing, I feel it almost all the time, I always feel lightheaded and like I can't breathe very well.
My doctor did prescribe me Prozac, but I haven't touched them yet, as I've heard more bad things than good things abou it. Especially in relation to anxiety, I've heard that It helps alot with depression but can make anxiety worse.