View Full Version : Another blip!

27-09-16, 06:53
I was doing so well, felt happy, motivated, enjoying work etc but all of a sudden I've taken a nosedive. Been on Cit almost 6 months now and still getting periods of feeling good interspersed with setbacks. Is this normal, shouldn't I be completely better by now?

I'm due to go on holiday in 2 weeks, I think it might be the worry of being away from home for a fortnight that's making me anxious but I've already cancelled one holiday and I'm determined I'm not going to let my son down again this time!

Any tips or advice from people who have been through this please?

28-09-16, 22:46
Hey Mojo!

Hope you're looking forward to your break away! Where you off to?!

I've been on Citalopram for the same time, and I'll get some blips and stuff, I think it's just normal!
Sometimes the anxious feelings running up to holidays can affect us!

I'm heading to Paris next Thursday, and I'm a little nervous, but compared to previous times, where I was battling Anxiety without Meds, 8 feel a lot more excited to go on holidays!

29-09-16, 19:32
Take each day at a time. Think about the now and enjoy that holiday. This is not going to beat you. You can do this!!!

29-09-16, 20:59
I'm sure the citalopram is working for you. My psych.doc says that if you start to feel a bit better (and you definitely were) on a certain dose then you need another 4 to 6 months before it really makes a big difference.

You are getting yourself in a real tizz about this holiday.
You have to learn how to set your own limits and boundaries, something I have only just started to do.
If it means "letting your son down" then so be it....talk to him about it.
You have to make a decision, this way you are just making yourself ill.
take care

29-09-16, 21:08
Just take day by day, I hope you feel better.