View Full Version : Heart Palpitations & The Vagus Nerve

27-09-16, 11:44
For the past seven months I have been suffering from symptoms of Acid Reflux. Prior to having an ECG, EKG and Chest X-Ray done, I was almost convinced that i was suffering from a heart problem. Fortunately the results came back and this gave me a lot of reassurance, I went back to the gym, started lifting weights and generally felt much better knowing i wasn't going to drop dead. Yet for some reason a week later, the Acid Reflux pain became a little more frequent, once it calmed down, i suddenly started to have palpitations in my chest after eating and when i'm laying down in bed. There's no pain, but i feel the need to pass wind when waking up in the middle of the night. I was reassured by another kind Doctor who mentioned that if there was any problem with my heart, it would have shown on the tests, and that even though my heart rate went up whilst in her office, it was only when she talked about it rising, to which she believes that i'm highly anxious and that the problem isn't my heart.

I have read online about GERD irritating something called Vagus nerve, which seems to correlate well with my symptoms, but for some reason the doctor didn't mention that, can anyone help shed some light?

02-10-16, 16:03
hi i dont know the answer to your question but i am going to try read up about the possible link as i have never suffered from heartburn in my life until anxiety struck. also notice heart palpatations when i eat a big meal or stodgy food. Good luck, dont worry and we will all be ok 😀

03-10-16, 14:17
Stimulation and irritation of the vagus nerve can definitely trigger ectopic heartbeats. It can also cause the heart to slow down, speed up and can even trigger atrial fibrillation in some people.

You might remember George W. Bush choked on a pretzel and passed out? Vagus nerve stimulation caused his heartrate to drop.