View Full Version : Is this really the right thing to do?

29-03-07, 08:30
I have fears of going into certain places and situations, specifically ones where my attacks hit me the hardest, but I've heard that the best thing to do is to NOT avoid these situations but to go in and do the best you can and fight it.
Well I've been trying this method and it only seems to be stressing me out even more. I cannot go into stores... it's been that way for a while, recently i've been trying to get myself to at least go in no matter how scared i feel, I usually get as far as the door, ocassionaly being able to run in and purchase the necessities and I end up panicking every time. I hate it. It seems like confronting these things head on is doing me more harm than good. I don't know.

29-03-07, 09:43
Well I sometimes wonder if the word 'fight' here is part of the problem as it sort of makes us tense.

Could you change it to the word 'relax' do you think the next time you try. Perhaps go to the store, or as near as is comfortable and then find somewhere to sit and wait until the panicky feeling subside a little. You could try dropping your jaw, shoulders and stomach muscles while you sit - cos ten to a penny you will be clenching them tight! :blush:

What is bad for us is when we go somewhere on high anxiety and hold onto ourselves, girding ourselves for a danger that doesn't exsist and then leave while still feeling like this.

Piglet :flowers:

29-03-07, 10:03
piglet said some interesting things... when you're in that situation think about how tense your body is... when i think about it i've usually got my shoulders up past my ears, it really helps to make a conscious effort to RELAX...

also why not try things in baby steps??? if you're that terrified of going shopping why not say to yourself "today i'm just gonna go up to the door" (you can always pretend you're waiting for someone if you're scared of looking silly, which i always am), by taking away the thought of you HAVING to go in a do a good job at not panicing you're setting yourself up to be disappointed if you fail, which makes it even scarier next time... once you feel comfortable you could tell yourself just to go in a look for a couple of things then leave and slowly build it up, if you do this FREQUENTLY then the anxiety linked to the sitution will subside... you just got take it slowly,

look at it as a challenge and remeber you can leave whenever you want, i find telling myself that really helps, if i get REALLY anxious i imagine myself in half hours time sat at home all safe and actually it really helps the anxiety reduce

29-03-07, 11:37
It is the best way but it's also best approached as the guys have just described. Confidence only comes from doing but gritting your teeth isn't always the best way.

Relax (or try to!), break it down into smaller steps, repeat each step until fairly confident then move to the next, patience, distraction if possible (maybe cd on ipod or whatever).

Granny Primark
29-03-07, 20:03
I agree with whats already been said.
I now think everytime i do something thats a challenge however small of the feeling of self satisfaction I have once ive done it.
Everytime I do something that ive been unable to do before I feel is another step towards my recovery.

take care