View Full Version : General Anxiety or Concussion?

27-09-16, 18:12
Hey all!

I'm new to the forum, but not new to anxiety. I've always had health anxiety, but for the past 4 months or so, all I'm doing is worrying about concussions...

It all started when I bumped my head on a wooden bunk bead and felt nauseous 10 minutes later. The doctor said that it wasn't a concussion, and thought that anxiety caused the nausea, but that would be a new symptom for me. Recently however, I've gotten fixated on the possibility of a weight machine at my gym causing me brain damage. I know it sounds stupid, but the way that it is built, when you lower the weights too fast, the force goes through the seat into your head.

Now I'm stupid, and for some reason I always feel compelled to test out my anxieties for who knows what reason. So anytime I go to the gym, I use that machine, and carefully put the weights down fast to see if I'm OK. Well last week I did it twice. I did it on Wednesday and felt nauseous about 2 hours later. But then I did it Friday, to prove to myself that the nausea was anxiety related. I began to feel nauseous, but I pushed the worry out of my mind, and it went away! So I was super happy about that. But then the next day I felt hungover, which kick started my worry again. It didn't last all day, and I may have had low blood sugar from not eating on the previous day, but I've had on and off headaches and nausea since then. Could this be due to my constant worrying?

Logically I don't believe that it was possible that I actually concussed myself. The force on my head was similar to putting your head on the headrest of a carseat and slapping the back of the headrest... But I'm very unnerved and feel defeated with the symptoms I've experienced.

Any input or insight is greatly appreciated, and sorry for the wall of text!

27-09-16, 20:08
Yeh, you have just got yourself in a cycle of worry, and you are almost willing your body to associate the nausea with the weight machine.

Trust me, if you had concussion there wouldn't be any doubt in your mind over whether you had it.

Also, you have answers for the hangover feeling, and the nausea, and that was low blood sugar.

Try and get into the habit of proving why things AREN'T related, rather than why they are. :D

28-09-16, 04:55
Thanks for the reply, and I definitely can relate when you talk about being stuck in a cycle of worry. The funny thing is that even though I realize I'm stuck in this loop, I can't really break out of it easily.

And I guess I'm just not 100% on what qualifies as a concussion, so I'm scared of all these head bumps, when really I'm just worried about brain damage.

But I do like that way of looking at how things AREN'T related. I think I'll try that out, I need to beat this anxiety somehow.

28-09-16, 18:29
Also, could the headache that I've had be due to anxiety/stress? It didn't start until the day after the incident, so I'm not sure if it could be due to the built up anxiety or not? And it comes and goes throughout the day.