View Full Version : Tonsil Cyst?

27-09-16, 20:37
A while since I posted on here but looking for similar experiences maybe?

Back in may, for the first time in my life I had tonsilitis. I had antibiotics for this while cleared it up well. A couple of weeks afterwards (upon an obligatory inspection of my throat.......) I noticed my right tonsil had a yellow spot on it. I just assumed the tonsilitis had come back. It looks like a big spot, exactly the same as what you have when you have tonsilitis - but there was only 1.

I went to the doctor to say I think it has returned. He shrugged this off and said it was nothing and not to worry. 4 months later it is still there. It looks the exact same, doesn't cause any pain or discomfort or hasn't grown. Went back today and he said it should have gone on it's own, and it is a cyst because there are crypts around the tonsil area where fluid can collect. He said it doesn't look like anything sinister but he wants to have a look in 3 weeks.

Now I CANT stop worrying! I have done nothing but convince myself that I have tonsil/oral cancer? Even though he said it was. Othing to worry about I feel as though he is lying to calm me? I feel like I am going to be a rare case, a news headline. I am left wondering why I have to go back in 3 weeks. I have visions of them doing a biopsy and getting a call to say they found cancer cells.

I know this thought process isn't normal. Any thoughts? I have been taking Citalopram for the health anxiety and I thought I was improving so this feels like a step backwards.

I am 23 years old and I'm otherwise great health

27-09-16, 21:08
I had one of these was there for over a year.. i started to think same as you.. then one day i looked and it had gone! Postive thinking

28-09-16, 00:25
Could it be a tonsil stone?

28-09-16, 11:29
Could definitely be a tonsil stone. I've had those before.

18-10-17, 14:02
How did yours turn out? Ive had one of these cysts (not a stone) for more than 2 years. It comes and goes, gets smaller and then bigger. ENT says it’s a cyst and not to worry. But I cannot stop.......

13-12-17, 19:03
I know this is an old thread but I think this is what I have too. Currently getting over bacterial pharyngitis and on a course of antibiotics. Day two of infection I examined my throat and there is one yellowish spot on my right tonsil. It is quite small and not very prominent - it looks like a spot. It doesn't wipe off. I think I had something like this the last time I had a bacterial infection, but I seem to remember they went away quite quickly. I am on day 7 of this horrible infection. Can anyone reassure me? Needless to say the doctor was non-committal although, when I pressed her (explaining that I have health anxiety), she said "It's just a throat infection". I really want to believe she is right and that this won't be the start of endless mis-diagnoses and tests :(