View Full Version : More lymphoma fears

27-09-16, 22:17
So, I've been coughing for atleast 3 weeks, and have had a sore throat and runny nose on and off. I was doing alright until I had a pain in my armpit which caused me to freak out. It went away but I was curious and felt around and what do you know a mass is right under my fingertip. It's sorta big, and sorta stiff. It feels like it's gotten bigger over these past fews days but I honestly don't know. My cough wont go away as well. Has it something to do with that? I'm only 13 if that helps.

28-09-16, 01:08
Do you happen to have allergies? Sounds like classic seasonal allergies

28-09-16, 13:44
You can "find" a lot of things when you prod and poke, because you don't really know what things are supposed to feel like before you started prodding and poking! Random pains and swellings come and go with colds and flu too. See a doctor if things persist, but I mean to see if you need anything for allergies, or antibiotics, or something mundane like that.