View Full Version : lump on front of shin

28-09-16, 01:08
hi all,
I just got over my breast surgery. was doing well physically and mentally then I found a lump on the front of my shin (where the shin bone is). it feels like long dough, soft if I push on it. I can't tell if It's movable or not. I went to the 1st doctor. he thinks it's a lipoma, and gave me an x-ray anyway. nothing was found on xray. The lump seems bigger or maybe I've been touching it too much? it also feel a little bit tender (very mild). I went to 2nd doctor. she thought it's some soft tissue swelling (thing is I am pretty sure I didn't hit anything and the lump was there for 3 weeks). she asked me to ice it frequently and watch it. I asked for ultrasound but she said it's not needed and it wont' show because she feels the swelling is superficial very close to the skin, and not deep.

I'm at a lost. I've asked the first doctor for ultrasound or MRI and he hasn't responded yet. mean while, i'm terrified with the thought of tumor/sarcoma (stupid me. I googled).

can Ultrasound shows any of these? lipoma/soft tissue swelling or sarcoma ? my next dr appointment (a 3rd one) is 1 day away). my leg is not swelling except that area on the shin bon below the knee cap.


28-09-16, 16:45
I've had a lump on my shin for about 15 years now. Marble sized, slightly mobile. It can be perfectly normal, most people probably have things like that, they just don't go checking for them!

28-09-16, 16:49
Yeh, just a bodily imperfection. Nothing to stress about, i'm sure.

I had one appear on my shin earlier this year. Noticed it whilst cycling.

Came and went.

28-09-16, 16:50
I too have a soft lump on my shin and have had it since I was a child. If I crouch down its more prominent. I've never really thought anything of it to be honest.

28-09-16, 18:11
If your doctor says it's nothing serious, stop worrying. They would instantly refer you to testing if it was something to be worried about.

28-09-16, 21:11
Thanks all. You make me feel better a lot by just reading your responses.

I had my ultrasound this morning. I was so nervous and the tech told me to email the doctor so he can help get the result faster. They will send the result to the doctor and he will let me know by tomorrow. I will find a way to cope with the anxiety today. I take today off from work because I can't focus. I tried to ice it up like what the doc told me since yesterday but so far no result.

---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 18:02 ----------

My husband told me that If he is in my situation, he wouldn't even notice such a small bump and wouldn't even bother to go to the doctor. He thinks anxiety is taking me hostage. Isn't that really how a normal person think? Usually I am doing fine with my anxiety. I don't check for physical symptoms daily but then when something shows up physically, I starts falling for these worries and negative thoughts of the whatif

28-09-16, 21:55
It's really normal to have lumps over your bones. I have them too, on my arms and legs. Even across my ribs and collarbone. Most of the time they move and they're kinda squishy. My doc said they're lipomas.

29-09-16, 01:09
I have the same exact thing I'm 19 and noticed it when I was 17 it's really nothing to worry about.

30-09-16, 04:25
I waited and found out the doctor was out of office today. I wasted a day without knowing my ultrasound result. Crossing my fingers that it will be okay.

I listened to the 2nd doctor and been icing it 4 times a day but the area doesn't go down. I've been doing the icing thing for 2 straight days. Then maybe the 2nd one is wrong. I'm just hoping for a lipoma at this point. I just need a confirmation that is it not a tumor the I'll let it go. my GP is on leave until one more week and now I realize that I have such a patient doctor GP that listened and explained everything whenever I come in. These 2 doctors, I think they are tired of me already.

---------- Post added at 03:25 ---------- Previous post was at 00:48 ----------

OMG the doctor emailed me late at night. I shall not check. Now I don't know how to get through the night. He didn't say the ultrasound diagnosis but only his guess.

Your ultrasound showed a really small 1.4cm subcutaneous mass. This is likely a cyst. However, I will talk to our radiologist tomorrow to review the ultrasound with him and if he recommends further testing, I will order a MRI. I will let you know tomorrow morning.