View Full Version : Stay on Citalopram or Come off?

28-09-16, 03:48
I know firstly no one can give me that answer on here. I just need advice because everyone is saying one thing to me and the doctor is saying the other or whatever I want, but I don't know.

I was on Citalopram a few years back, ran out of pills and couldn't afford the prescriptions anyway, so I went off them (stupid I know but there you go)

I really didn't want to take medication to start with. I've got social anxiety and GAD had them all my life don't know any different.

This past year was hell. I'm a year and half into a long distance relationship. Issues due to that were driving me so crazy, I just wanted everything to stop, so when the doctor wanted me back on the Citalopram I agreed.

I was back on 30mg right away. And about a month ago she upped my dose to 40mg.

Some side effects I've had are daily on and off nausea, though this is now finally easing again after three months of being back on them. Few headaches, jaw clenching worse. A lot of tiredness like I can't even get out of bed. Since going onto 40mg I literally can't get out of bed, I'm so tired all the time. I also have a drop in libido and have a great deal of trouble reaching orgasm.

My partner is at the end of his rope. He didn't want me to go on them doesn't think that I need medication. And with the change in libido etc isn't helping at all.

Also another reason I'm thinking about going off them is that, my partner says since I've been back on them I've become cold, distant, sarcastic, not caring, like I have no feelings at times etc, and he's to the point where he's considering if we should stay together.

I do feel more distant from my emotions, and things don't bother me as much as they would, I don't cry daily, when I do cry it's like five minutes then it just stops, I can't be bothered doing much of anything.

I just don't know what to do. Whether to get the doctor to get me off them totally slowly altogether. Or to stay on them, try something else or what.

I do like not feeling a lot but that's not healthy and it's not doable for life, I need to feel at some point and using the medication to avoid that isn't helpful.

I'm also worried that people say the longer you're on them permanent problems can be never reversed, like the feeling distant and not caring and the sexual issues as well, both of which I don't want lasting or risking them being forever.

Any thoughts or advice would be really great because I don't know what to do.

Maggy May
28-09-16, 19:45
do not come off citalopram (not sure on your dose) or any other drug without discussing it with your doctor, and there are many different opinions on how to do it but the only one that should matter is the advice of a trained GP. If you are still worried about their advice then maybe see a second doctor to see what they recommend?

I have been on 40mg of citalopram for 12 years, It has worked really well for my depression which was what I had originally. I am currently in the process of coming off them as it does not help with my anxiety. I do suffer from the lack of libido, but I am single and not interested in a relationship at the moment so its quite helpful for me but can understand it being a pain for you.

The symptoms your partner has mentioned are known side effects of Citalapram for some people, some drugs work better for some people than others, you may be able to try another type or come off all together and see how that goes if you feel you don't need them.

29-09-16, 17:37
I totally agree with maggy May that this is a decision you and your doctor need to come to an agreement on. I've just done a straight swap from Citalopram to Duloxetine as I felt the Citalopram wasn't doing the full job anymore. We're all different and mess affect us all differently so it would be worth discussing these concerns with the doc and maybe trying something else. X