View Full Version : Severe stiffness..is this anxiety?

28-09-16, 04:03
So I'm seeing a psychiatrist in a few weeks to see if I have anxiety but it's driving me crazy so I need to know now. I've been super, super stiff in my back, neck, chest, shoulders, and legs the last few days. I don't know what would have caused this. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary to make me this way. When I twist my back, it cracks like 6 different times. Sometimes my right knee has a splintering crack. It doesn't feel like anxiety, I'm not nervous. I'm just super super stiff and can't breathe and I don't know why?? I hope it's anxiety but not even Xanax makes it go away fully?? Yeah, it makes me relax, but the stiffness in my body and tightness in my chest is still there. I got a checkup a month ago and I was fine.

Nervous jen
29-09-16, 23:41
I was like this and am again I suffered for almost a yr before I realized after a million check ups it was all stress and anxiety I didn't feel anxious yet I was the mind is powerful and can make you feel some crazy stuff. Now I'm back at it again looking for something else and I'm scared the meds I took before won't work again. If your labs are fine have your thyroid checked. If your a women get your hormones checked and if it's all normal I say stress

Catherine S
30-09-16, 00:28
It's connected to anxiety in that it produces muscle tension, which is why you're experiencing these aches and pains. Back in the day, I had anxiety related muscle tension so bad that even my eyes ached! Anxiety can physically affect everything in your body, even your chest wall muscles, which then means it can be difficult to take a deep breath. Tension is a very common side effect of anxiety.


30-09-16, 00:35
I totally agree with the above poster but if I may add a little something I would also add that when someone suffers with anxiety they tend to feel down and upset which unknowingly can cause very bad posture too which leads to all kinds of tension and stiffness in the joints and muscles all over the body.

All the best