View Full Version : HEADACHE over month .Dr Google

28-09-16, 13:28
Had what I believe to be a tension headache for about 6 weeks ,band round head and between eyes ,still neck etc. Trouble is I google Daily Persistent Headache (NDPH) and got horrors stories that it never goes away ! Am I just feeding anxiety and will it go ? GP says its tension.

28-09-16, 13:34
Had what I believe to be a tension headache for about 6 weeks ,band round head and between eyes ,still neck etc. Trouble is I google Daily Persistent Headache (NDPH) and got horrors stories that it never goes away ! Am I just feeding anxiety and will it go ? GP says its tension.

If your GP says it's tension then that's what it's going to be. If it is tension, it will linger while ever you're anxious about it - that's the horrible vicious cycle with health anxiety that the more you worry about your anxiety symptoms, the worse they get, and the more you worry, etc. Stop Googling, trust to your GP, and try and stop worrying, and do something that relaxes you or distracts you. All easier said than done sometimes, but you will feel better.

Positive thoughts, and stay off those Internet horror stories :)

28-09-16, 14:06
Thanks for that ,so daily headaches are a common symptom and when anxiety about them goes they disappear ?

Its just I read about people with them forever : (

28-09-16, 14:24
But you're reading about extreme circumstances with headaches that never go away. No-one here is qualified to give you better advice than your doctor, and if things persist maybe you need to see them again, but if the doctor thinks it's tension then being tense about your headaches is going to get things in a vicious cycle.

28-09-16, 14:26
Look for some muscle relaxation exercises and incorporate them into your day. This can help relieve tension and should help speed up your recovery. If you can relax your body then the head should eventually follow. Obviously you also need to work on the anxiety etc and STOP GOOGLING THINGS!!!

28-09-16, 16:15
So basically my anxiety is perpetuating the headaches which will eventually stop when I stop worrying about them

28-09-16, 16:20
Yeah, anxiety makes your muscles tense up and that is what causes the pains in different areas of the body. Purposely tensing up a muscle and then relaxing it can help, there are plenty of exercises around that will work your whole body.

29-09-16, 09:19
has anyone similiar experiences to me then please

29-09-16, 21:18
I have chronic headaches. They seem to fade when I'm not at work and I am not stressing out about everything. It's always a cycle for me. Hope you relax and stay positive!

29-09-16, 22:13
I had a headache/ neck ache and accompanying muscle aches pretty much all day every day for 8 weeks a few years ago. OTC painkillers didn't do much. No reason ever found. Went away as soon as I faced up to seeing my GP who assured me they were nothing serious- she was right!

01-10-16, 08:53
Thanks all the ache travels sometimes its like a numbness/pressure between eyes then a band round head and pain on back of neck ,does this sound familiar .Ever since I read stories about daily persistent headache and chronic ones I feel Im going to have it forever ! How do I break cycle

11-10-16, 10:54
I'm having pretty much the exact same as this at the moment! Started about 2 months ago *Had 2 weeks of no headaches in between which was so nice* but now I am back to work I am back to headaches (Maybe linked?)
I have tight band pain, back of head pain, tingling, sinus pain and fullness around my nose and eyes. It sucks!

03-12-16, 22:11

How are you feeling now?

04-12-16, 20:29
Hope you're doing better. I have the same... on google you'll find the worst things