View Full Version : Ultrasound - update : fatty liver

28-09-16, 13:37
So the big day came for the ultrasound. Have been nervous hard to sleep; fear more than anythhing that pancreas is damaged.
Well, the ultrasoun is finished. Doctor said pancreas was fine, no traces of gallstones in that area either.
But - and this is what DOE NOT calm me down - the doctor detected a bit of fat in the liver; more than average, but said I should calm down and panic but still - enough to send shivers down my spine. I am a bit overweight and have had a weakness for alcohol in my days. Fear now chronic liver disease or even liver cancer or something nasty.
He said somethig about low bladder that I did not quite.
Well, well, mixed emotions. But at least ge said pancreas was fine. And ultrasounds are reliable on that, right?

28-09-16, 13:46
I'm glad to hear that your pancreas is healthy, that must be a huge relief. Do you have an action plan yet on how to help your liver?

28-09-16, 13:50
Oh well, I dont know what it is yet, but the doc said it was probably do to overweight. If is not something chronical then it can easily be fixed I guess with a change in diet and lifestyle. Coould be a warning sign of worse thing to come if I not set my self straight; and that I was lucky THIS time - but perhaps not the next?

28-09-16, 14:43
Easy one - get rid of processed fatty junk food (if that's what you're eating), and eat lean protein, fish, more veg and fruit. Fatty liver is a common thing nowadays, and is connected to our lifestyle.

These are all things you can fix for yourself by adjusting your diet and alcohol intake. Your pancreas is fine, and you have no liver disease, just fat laid down around it.

28-09-16, 15:13
This is good news, and the fat is easily fixed if you can make a diet change and do some exercise (if you don't already.)

28-09-16, 15:21
The liver has an amazing ability to regenerate given the right food and care. That means giving up alcohol and processed junk food immediately and eating lots of protein, fibre, fruit and veg and drinking plenty of water to flush the toxins out. You've been given a golden ticket here as many people don't find out they have liver problems until it is too late. Now you have to play your part by looking after your liver :)

28-09-16, 15:57
The ball is clearly in your court. These are warning signs only and can be reversed with a lifestyle modification.

Positive thoughts

28-09-16, 16:05
Yeah, more healthy food; no junk food OK. No more bringe drinking too. But; should I never ever have a social drink again? A glass or two of wine on ocassions? Or a beer or two for
a BBQ in the summer?

28-09-16, 16:15
It's all about moderation. Take a break from the booze while you get yourself together and then you can enjoy the occasional drink later on. As somebody has already said, you liver is good at healing itself and you have a head start!

28-09-16, 16:41
I got diagnosed with a fatty liver a year or so ago. Im overweight and drink quite often. It's a warning sign, try a detox for a couple of weeks, maybe a month of clean eating and not drinking, the liver will literally flush out the fat in that time and you'll be fine.

28-09-16, 16:54
I will.

But can fatty live really cause all these muscle and stomach pains I have suffered the last month? Back pain; gnawing feeling in muscles and stomach cramps?
I mean all the discomfort that caused me to fear pancreatitis?

28-09-16, 17:04
But can fatty live really cause all these muscle and stomach pains I have suffered the last month? Back pain; gnawing feeling in muscles and stomach cramps?

No clue but stress and anxiety sure can!

Treat the root of the issue and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

28-09-16, 17:08
Agreed. Fatty liver is a symptom of lifestyle that needs to be changed, it doesn't cause pains etc. You have got a clean bill of health, so you should try and move your thinking forwards now and be proactive in getting your diet sorted.

Captain irrational
29-09-16, 09:44
Yeah, more healthy food; no junk food OK. No more bringe drinking too. But; should I never ever have a social drink again? A glass or two of wine on ocassions? Or a beer or two for
a BBQ in the summer?

If you can keep it under control and not get carried away, there is no harm in an occasional drink.