View Full Version : Has anyone had such weakness that they can barely do much -all just from anxiety???

28-09-16, 13:52
Hi, I know I have posted about this before.. but I am battling with worries that I know aren't going to help if this is really all just anxiety related.
I had weakness in my legs from about 3 months after having my baby, my baby is now 22 months old and about a month or so ago the weakness and fatigue got a lot worse, and since then even more so, so literally all the big muscles shake when I use them (like when I put my arm out it won't shake but it feels weak but it tremors as I draw it in -or bending over my stomach muscles shake) It's getting me down as I feel it all the time.
It's at the point where yesterday my knees felt so weak walking to the park and I was so fatigued, and then in the playground with my little one, just lifting her to go on the swings, and I could only do the see-saw for one minute max before I had to give up, it's quite depressing! My hubby had to go home and get the car to bring me back home -only a 15 min walk! (and I am a 30 year old who eats healthy, doesn't drink etc)
My neck it forever stiff and shoulders 'clunky' if I move them. At night I feel buzzing in my muscles and twitches, mostly the legs. I hav another app for the Dr tomorrow, but I wanted to ask on here again -has anyone had all of this 24/7 that has been purely down to stress/anxiety? Is it related to adrenaline??

Thanks in advance, and sorry for such a long post!

28-09-16, 14:37
It doesn't sound like I've had it quite as bad, but I've definitely had all of those symptoms (and still do on occasion). Your whole body is tensed up and your nervous system is firing off like crazy. If you can I highly recommend Pilates (or I guess Yoga would be just as good) lessons to help you work with the tension. Also look for some breathing exercises and other muscle relaxation exercises that you can do on a daily basis. Work hard at them and you should start to see improvements. I definitely did. My weekly Pilates lesson makes me feel like a new man everytime!

You also need to work on the root of the anxiety to see if you can work to fix that in the first place. It takes time, but you can do it.

28-09-16, 14:45
I'm a 29 year old mother of a two year old as well and I can tell you that at the peak of my anxiety, I couldn't eat, sleep, and could barely lift my child. I was extremely weak, falling asleep on the couch by 7pm. Since I've been eating more and attempting to destress, I have put on a few pounds and gotten some energy back. I'm still not 100% and my extreme state of anxiety is over.

28-09-16, 14:52
I'm a 29 year old mother of a two year old as well and I can tell you that at the peak of my anxiety, I couldn't eat, sleep, and could barely lift my child. I was extremely weak, falling asleep on the couch by 7pm. Since I've been eating more and attempting to destress, I have put on a few pounds and gotten some energy back. I'm still not 100% and my extreme state of anxiety is over.

Very good advice.

Make sure you are getting an adequate amount of protein especially if you are having muscle fatigue.

As always, see the doctor, and get checked.

You would be amazed at the amount of anxious days I have, where I simply haven't gotten the right amount of food, and the right nutrients.

When you are anxious, its hard to eat. So your appetite slows down, and you get more anxious.

So do make sure your diet is serving you well.

28-09-16, 15:03
So do make sure your diet is serving you well.

This is very important. A healthy, well balanced, but low sugar diet does wonders. It's amazing how easy it is to load up on sugar that is hidden in foods!

28-09-16, 19:35
Hey, thank you all for the advice and sharing. I do eat pretty well, and try to eat healthily although I must admit I keep wanting a bit of sugar at the moment because of how I'm feeling!