View Full Version : Fuzzy/dizzy head

28-09-16, 14:35
I just can't seem to shake the feeling in my head. My scalp is tingly and I'm dizzy and lightheaded. It's really stressing me out. Feel like it's been weeks I've been dealing with this and if I go to the dr he's probably just gonna say it's anxiety and shoo me away. Feel like my eyeballs are loose in my head sometimes. Like they wobble but they don't really. My scalp feels like something is pressing on it but it doesn't hurt. I just don't know what to do. I'm really getting down and out about this. Sometimes I'm fine if I can keep busy but it's hard to keep busy when I feel like this. But most of the day I'm dizzy and lightheaded

28-09-16, 14:39
How has your appetite been lately?

28-09-16, 14:43
Normal I guess.

28-09-16, 14:47
Normal for you might not be normal for a healthy person though. :D

Is your diet good? What/how much do you drink?

28-09-16, 15:03
I eat like I always do. I don't think it's a diet thing. I don't drink as much water as I should but I still drink water

---------- Post added at 14:03 ---------- Previous post was at 13:51 ----------

What's really getting to me in the tight tingly feeling on my scalp. It's only in one spot about my ear towards to back. Like it's not on the back or side of my head it's between. It feels better when I rub it but only when I'm actually rubbing it. As soon as I stop it feels funny again. I'm really starting to worry I have a brain tumor or something.

28-09-16, 20:49
Well it's 4pm and I feel ok. I remember reading somewhere that brain tumor symptoms are most prominent in the morning or something. I really don't know what to do. I'm afraid if I go to the dr he's gonna tell me that I'm crazy and to go home.