View Full Version : Seeing a Neurologist Next Week, Petrified

28-09-16, 18:36
Hello everyone, I'm so glad I have found this forum. Next week I'm seeing a neurologist, after two weeks of unexplained lightheadedness, weakness in my left arm and insomnia. I can't wait for the appointnent because I really wanna know what has gone wrong with my body. Last month I quit a very stressful job and got a better one, I have friends and loving parents, everything should be fine, or at least it was until last week when I suddenly started to experience dizzy spells. Now they return only when I walk rather fast (I generally walk fast, have as long as I can remember), and at 6-7 PM, but by the time I go to bed the dizziness is usually gone.
While I am proud of myself for making an appointment with the neurologist, I am very scared of what will happen until then. Yesterday I was close to having a panic attack thinking I would die of a stroke when I felt something like electrical current running through my head and what scared me was that it quickly transferred into my leg. I'm in a constant fear something bad would happen. Every night I find it hard to fall asleep and when I do, I have nightmares. A few days ago I discovered my thoughts had become slower and most of the time I feel like I was in a dream. I occasionally get something like numbmess in my face and then I smile like a fool every two minutes to see that my face hasn't dropped and I'm not having a stroke :( I know I should stop thinking about the worst case scenario but I keep discovering symptoms that lead ne to thinking I have sth serious going on. In spring I was concerned about a hard lump on my neck. My GP told me it was just a lymph node, I had a blood test and the results came back normal but now I think the lump has grown and it might be pushing against some important arteries and therefore my brain lacks oxygen :( so now my lymphoma fears are back on track. :( I just wanted to share my worries with someone who understands. Thanks for reading and stay strong :)

29-09-16, 02:03
That does sound scary, and no doubt your anxiety is playing with you and playing up symptoms too.

Maybe it would be helpful to keep a journal consisting of when you have new symptoms, what they are, how long they last, and what seems to have triggered them. At least that way you won't forget anything when you speak to the neurologist.

It's so easy for our minds to go straight to worst-case scenarios, but honestly it's probably something really simple and you'll leave with a big sigh of relief!

29-09-16, 23:44
Thank you, Poppy, for your reply. Yes, I can sed that my mind is putting me in a state of constant worrying. I have just had another onset of what I would call intensified anxiety where I felt that my arm was becoming increasingly weaker but I managed to talk myself into some common sense and now it feels much better so it can really be all about anxiety rather than any real threat. I feel like I am always at war with myself; a part me knows that being in my mid-20s, rather well fit, eating much salad and avoiding transfat and being a non-snoker, my chances of having a cardiovascular desease are very low but another part of me is trapped in a never-ending fear of death. I hope the neurologist will tell me not to worry and then I won't because I trust doctors, and if there is something not quite right, I feel confident he will be able to fix.

30-09-16, 00:21
Hey triangle,

I am telling you right now I went through exactly what you are going through now 3 months ago. Had weakness in my left arm and leg, head zaps on the left side of my head, pins and needles through my arms and legs, depersonalization, lightheaded constantly. I went to the neurologist and was in the hospital nonstop for 2 weeks. Turned out to be anxiety. You'll be ok just trust the doctor! I'll be praying for you

30-09-16, 14:36
I had very similar symptoms a few years ago, For me it was huge tension in my shoulders wreaking havoc. If you can try a massage or physio it may help. If not try getting a friend to massage your shoulders right up to your neck or even doing it yourself. After a massage I would get huge relief and feel amazing.

30-09-16, 15:17
Hi, it sounds quite similar to how my anxiety started.

It does improve, i can assure you of that.

Still not out the woods 100% but time is a great healer, the longer you go and haven't gotten worse then you will begin to realise that it is "only" in your head.