View Full Version : here goes again!

28-09-16, 21:15
Hi. So I had a blip or whatever it was after an eventful time at the dentist. Anyways I was doing quite well at 25mg but went down hill fast after dentist. Went doc she wanted me to go to 40 but I've gone back to 30mg. Anyways how long realistically for increased side affects to bugger off. Doc says give 6 weeks and if no better go back and she will try me on something else. I kinda think it about 3 weeks but I know everyone different. Hope everyone else improving. Oh just one other thing. I tried prozac but didn't agree. Tried sertraline didn't work , so after cit what other options are there. Escitolapram?? I've not a clue. What's Mirt?? Soz for all questions. Will ring docs next week for definite answers. Xx

29-09-16, 17:41
Side effects are usually 2 weeks for me and then I have an idea by 3 weeks if they will work but we're all different. There are loads of different types of ADs and it's often trial and error. I've been on and off Citalopram for 15 years and it's now decided not to work for me. My doc has just done a straight swap to duloxetine (I thought I knew them all and I'd never heard of it) it's an snri. I've never tried anything else so thought I'd give it a go!
Anyway hope this was some help x

29-09-16, 20:47
It took me weeks to get over the side effects. As you know I am giving the citalopram at least 3 months to even make me feel a bit better. Not expecting miracles anymore.
You will have ups and downs, certainly after dentist "traumas". Try to hang in there and give the new dose time to settle down. Before the dentist you were reasonably ok and will be again. Personally I don't think 6 weeks is enough, but we are all different.
take care

30-09-16, 13:54
Ok guys. Ty for replies. Great advice. Xx