View Full Version : unemployed and fed up :(

29-09-16, 00:45
I finished Uni this year (Fine Art) and managed to get a 2 week design/logistics temp job straight after but since then I haven't been able to get anything. i've been applying for design jobs and warehouse jobs and i'm fed up of not hearing anything back, its making me feel awful. I do volunteering at a museum and missed out on a traineeship (due to something going wrong with my application on their end) which really upset me as it was something I had waited a year for as I was at uni.

I wish I could start my own business but i've had a few commissions and sales on etsy and through friends but thats it.
I feel like doing fine art was a waste of time and should of stuck with what I started with (graphic design, Didn't like the tutors and people in my class, nothing to do with the work.) or done concept art/computer games design. I feel like I wasted 3 years.

I just don't know what to do with myself. Can feel my anxiety/depression creeping back. My boyfriend and mum and dad are the only things stopping me from falling apart at the moment.

29-09-16, 08:23
I finished Uni this year (Fine Art) and managed to get a 2 week design/logistics temp job straight after but since then I haven't been able to get anything. i've been applying for design jobs and warehouse jobs and i'm fed up of not hearing anything back, its making me feel awful. I do volunteering at a museum and missed out on a traineeship (due to something going wrong with my application on their end) which really upset me as it was something I had waited a year for as I was at uni.

I wish I could start my own business but i've had a few commissions and sales on etsy and through friends but thats it.
I feel like doing fine art was a waste of time and should of stuck with what I started with (graphic design, Didn't like the tutors and people in my class, nothing to do with the work.) or done concept art/computer games design. I feel like I wasted 3 years.

I just don't know what to do with myself. Can feel my anxiety/depression creeping back. My boyfriend and mum and dad are the only things stopping me from falling apart at the moment.

Hi :)

A lot of people seem to be feeling like this at the moment including me. It's hard when you've spent three years at University doing something that you can't seem to get a job in. When you spend so long doing job applications and waiting for responses and somebody can't even be bothered to get back to you is unfair and wrong.

However don't give up hope, it took me ages to get my first job after University. Have you thought about applying for jobs other than art or design just as a starting point to get some work experience and then maybe set up your own business on the side and build it up slowly? Keep applying for jobs and eventually somebody will say yes to you.

29-09-16, 18:46
However don't give up hope, it took me ages to get my first job after University. Have you thought about applying for jobs other than art or design just as a starting point to get some work experience and then maybe set up your own business on the side and build it up slowly? Keep applying for jobs and eventually somebody will say yes to you.

I actually feel a little better today, got an email about a traineeship for 3 days a week from my job coach for a animal rehoming centre which i'm going to hopefully apply for (it says 16-18 year olds and i'm 22 but they desperately need people so you never know) i've been looking at cleaning jobs and office jobs as well :) i've just got to stay positive

29-09-16, 19:26
I completely understand your situation. I finished university last year, I studied geology but I found that the mining industry collapse meant I really struggled for a job. I spent lots of time doing good cover letter and cv's, only to sometimes get no reply! It is so disheartening sometimes when someone can't even be bothered to reply. It makes you feel a bit useless.

I eventually got a temp job doing something fairly relevant, mapping! It has kept money coming in and stopped me feeling so useless, but as its a temp job it could end soon which doesn't help nerves.

However I am still applying for permanent jobs whilst working this job, I have found it helps with rejections (or lack of any reply) when applying for jobs because at least I am still busy in my work.

Keep at it, something will (and has to) come around the corner eventually! It just takes time to adjust from leaving the safety net of university and being thrown out into the big scary world of work where there is little help and you're up against each other! May be look at finding some good temp work? I work at Ordnance Survey for brookstreet, I'd recommend having a look at brookstreet they are very helpful and quick at finding you employment and often aren't too fussed about the experience you have!

Keep on keeping on something will come along one day, it's what I have to keep telling myself as well!