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View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer Fear.

29-09-16, 09:46
Hello, This is my first post so be gentle :), Last 9 months my life has been controlled by Health Anxiety and Google, it all started at Christmas when i thought i had a brain tumour when i started getting severe headaches, turned out to be a contact lense stuck in my eye for under 3 weeks which 5 doctors and 3 opticians missed. Anyway since then i have severe Health Anxiety ,,few weeks ago i started getting pains in my right side, then lower back and into my right groin, goes to Gp was given anti biotics for a suspected UTI took them and my urine sample came back clear,,over the last week or so i have been in alot of pain in my right groin area, lose of appetite, heavy leg and downright miserable. Of course i Googled my symptoms and OC appears i have all the symptoms of that, except bloated stomach , i have cried for nearly 5 days im never off google . I was at my GP on Tuesday told her i was in agony and i knew i had cancer or stumped appendix ,,she examined me , inside and out, she said she couldn't feel anything during the internal but i was tender at the groin , she ruled out a strain for some reason. She said i probably have a cyst and highly doubts it's cancer but will send me for an ultrasound on my kidneys and ovaries marked urgent. I had a clear smear last year but i have to go every 6 months due to abnormal cells,,but they terrify me aswell. Im 42 and healthy in general. I just know something isn't right, my mum and friends said if my doctor thought i had cancer id have been sent straight to A&E, but we all know if you have anxiety they treat us different. Sorry for a long post, but now im playing the waiting came, only painkiller i can take is paraceptemol. Im worried because in 2003 i had a cyst and didn't feel that and that was only discovered for a scan for something else and went away on it's own. I had aultradound scan in 2014 for lower abodmen pains but came back clear. I just feel alone because i have convinced myself of this and i can't stay of google .Thanks for reading

29-09-16, 15:19

Please stay off google. I convinced myself I had OC too as I had some of the symptoms. Remember anxiety causes loss of appetite, and going to the toliet frequently.

29-09-16, 17:51
Thanks for replying, why do we put ourselves through this mental torture?