View Full Version : Increasing dose of Escitalopram, 10mg to 20mg....

29-09-16, 12:59
Hi all, Ive been doing ok-ish on the 10mg, but still a lot of issues with anxiety, panic. This weekend I had a bit of a breakdown and went to the doctors in despair, and he said to maybe increase the dosage to 20mg from 10mg. Has anyone done this without the side effects, ive been on the 10mg for 2 years.

Thanks for any replies :flowers:

29-09-16, 13:56
I'd be interested to see if people reply to your thread as I started Escitalopram 30 days ago. I'm on 10 mg, and am wondering how effective the medication is... I've felt some positive changes already, though I still get panicky and have to resort to taking a sedative.

30-09-16, 11:31
Its made a slight difference to me to be able to do more things, stick with it :)

Has anyone else upped the dose and been ok?

30-09-16, 16:36
I have rough periods but I do think overall Lexapro has helped me.

MamaCass, when I first started Lexapro at 10 mg I had a bunch of symptoms but when I went from 10 to 20 mg I didn't notice any side effects at all.

You may notice some since you've been on 10 mg for so long, but I do think it won't be as bad as you're anticipating and hopefully it brings you some relief!

30-09-16, 22:24
Thanks Poppy, im hoping youre right and there wont be any :)

01-10-16, 07:05
The only noticeable side effect for me is nausea. This aside,Escitalopram has made me feel a lot brighter,though I'm still anxious outside and I get depersonalisation quite a bit. It's good to hear that it's allowed you to do more things,Cass :)