View Full Version : Feeling like I'm not getting enough air through my nose when I'm falling asleep

29-09-16, 16:54
For the past night or two whenever I lie down to go sleep my head feels of kind stuffy and when I'm drifting it feels like I'm not getting enough air through my nose. I was anxious last night so when I dosed off I woke up a second later and I started sniffing through my nose really fast. It past after and I was able to sleep with no problem. So what is this an anxiety thing? I do sleep with my fan on high at night could that be the problem?

29-09-16, 17:53
Buy some breathe-rite nose strips. They're great!

Positive thoughts

29-09-16, 21:13
Vicks vapor rub has always helped me when my nose is really stuffy. It is harder to sleep when you can't breathe normally. Benadryl makes me really drowsy so that helps too. Hope you get better!

29-09-16, 21:25
Could it not simply be nasal congestion and nothing else?

For about a year now I've had a similar issue, I can no longer sleep with my mouth closed which drives me nuts as I tend to wake up with a bone dry mouth. When I do even light exercise I need to open my mouth as I feel like I'm suffocating with it closed.

Could be allergies or all sorts really but highly doubt it's anything to worry about.

29-09-16, 22:09
I guess could be a nasal issue. Growing up I could never really breathe out of my nose even after getting my tonsils and adenoids taken out as a kid. After two years of living in Arizona when I was teenager I was finally able to breathe out of my nose so much better. My allergies have also been easier to deal with since then. I wasn't even worried about this until I accidentally stumbled on something about sleep apnea. But I don't even snore.

02-10-16, 01:58
You could try saline nose spray it can help alot.