View Full Version : mothers and daughters

29-03-07, 14:25
i was recently diganosed with gad , but after reading somre of the threads on this forum it got me thinking am i actually suffering with ptsd , for tyhe last 15 years i have been living with my daughter who is epileptic and has severe behavrial problems , she was violent and very abusive , and has tried taking my life on many occasions, i started having panick attacks and suffer aniety about 8 years ago , and have learned to survive hour by hour as i never new what was going to be around the corner, as well as having to deal with my daughter she told loads of lies i had people all the time knocking my door and making threats , windows put through and i have even had to flee my home on 2 occasions , i tried every where for help but help was not availble until she turned 18 , i am at presents waiting to see a councelor and hopefully get my life back on track and learn to live again , as i have forgotton how to , my daughter now has been well behaved she has really grown up , but i find it hard to forget and when she comes to visit me i am so on edge , i cannot relax around her , i am waiting for another beating or the house being smashed up again , or maybe another knife thrown at me. i try not to show her that i am still scared of her as she is really trying she phones everyday to tell me she loves me , and sends flowers and is sorry for what she has put me through while she was growing up , i hope one day thati learn to relax around her and that i can finally enjoy being in her company , she has a lovely fiance now and a new home , and finally her epilepsy is in controll and thatshe can now start to live her life, i do love her very much and i am very glad she seems to be turning a corner ,and making a life for herself , but will i ever learn to trust her again , and can you let me know if you think that i could be suffering with ptsd , thanks for reading my post

29-03-07, 14:55
wow.. i havent really come across ptsd but what you've been through would take its toll on anyone i would've thought, peoples expectations of having a baby are normally very positive and plesent ones so to have such a volitile relationship with someone you were expecting to respect and love you obviously is gonna effect you. you're daughter is obviously sorry and maybe ashamed of the way she treated you but she couldn't help it. i think councilling would be a great road for you to go down. i'm sure you'll feel more relaxed around your daughter some time in the future, it'll just take time, i wish you loadsa luck with the councilling... :hugs:

31-03-07, 06:42

First of all thankyou for sharing your story, please try to remember that
you are a very strong, brave and compassionate lady for having experienced the things that you have with your daughter and you are still trying to trust her and understand her.

As to whether you have GAD or PTSD I think it is something you should discuss with your doctor. Having a correct diagnosis will ensure that you get the correct treatment.

Which ever you have I wish you strength and a swift recovery from.


31-03-07, 06:53
I to think what you have been through is very stressful to say the least,i do,nt know weather, i would say that you have or are suffering ptsd. only your g.p. can answer that for you. I just want to wish you and your daughter every sucess for the future, and that one day you will be able to trust her again. Good luck to you both.:hugs: :hugs: coming your way.

31-03-07, 10:58

Be very very proud of yourself Amberbear for not giving up though those difficult times and I really hope that in time you are all able to leave the past behind and have a happy future! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

31-03-07, 11:25
Hi Amber

Im proud of you too hun, sounds like you have had some very difficult times, i wish you good health and good times for you and your family for the future.
Lovely to hear you are managing to get things sorted.

Hugs:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:



01-04-07, 17:31
hi everyone i would like to say thankyou for all your kind words , going to doctor next week to have a chat , i will keep you all informed , my daughter is doing really well , just had a bout of flu and she has been looking after me, which was really nice having her stay and no violence, thanks for all your support