View Full Version : Worried I have bowel cancer.

29-09-16, 20:26
So yesterday I just went to the toilet and did business as usual, stool was fined and then wiped and that was fine. I then got a really itchy bum and so I got some toilet paper and wiped and wiped until the itching stopped but when I looked at the paper was some very small drops of dried bright red blood. Today I did the same and everything was fine. I don't have any other symptoms other (eg change in bowel habits) than some anal discomfort at time. I'm 17 and worried about something thats probably a small cut or tear.

29-09-16, 20:47
I think you answered your own concerns :)

That has happened to everyone.

Not to get gross - but blood vessels in your "behind area" are much closer to the surface. So something like "over-wiping" could and does do that.

Obviously, if you're concerned see a doctor. But considering the fact that you're 17, I don't think you have much to be concerned over, in my unqualified opinion.