View Full Version : More symptoms

30-09-16, 01:42
I made a thread a couple days ago about my lymphoma fears. I've been a mess since. I recently have started getting a weird stomach pain that I usually get when I eat something bad. I'm not sure what caused it. It is scaring me to death. Anyone have any ideas? I'm starting to assess survival rates, I'm really scared

30-09-16, 12:56

I'm 63, and my survival rate over the next 20 years is 50% - ie I have only a 50% chance of reaching 83. You may think that old folk naturally accept this - we don't. But most of us try to enjoy life without thinking about survival rates, which aren't good and would make us depressed.

30-09-16, 13:01

I'm 63, and my survival rate over the next 20 years is 50% - ie I have only a 50% chance of reaching 83. You may think that old folk naturally accept this - we don't. But most of us try to enjoy life without thinking about survival rates, which aren't good and would make us depressed.

I like your style Hashan :yesyes:

30-09-16, 13:07
Do I remember from a past post you're only pretty young? You have to stop letting these fears ruin your youth. You can't think the worst every time you have a vague symptom - you have a whole life ahead full of minor aches, pains and wobbles - just like everyone else - nearly all which will amount to nothing.

A stomach ache is usually just a stomach ache. If you're prone to stomach ache when you eat bad things, it's not a leap to think you'll get similar pains when you're stressed, or your stomach may think something's bad even if you don't! Try not to worry about it, see a doctor if it persists (and trust me, there's a billion boring things that cause stomach ache before you even have to entertain nasty stuff), but there's no reason to think it's anything other than a stomach ache.

30-09-16, 22:24
I have been back and fourth to the Dr about stomach issues, always do to stress.