View Full Version : Telephone assessment

30-09-16, 10:52
I feel a bit like a fraud after the conversation last week, she gave me a 0 -3 chart then 0-8. And I was down the lower end for all questions. I'm obviously going through a better period at the moment though I did tell her a month back I was quite bad. I said it's quite manageable but I do worry I'll spiral. Due to my trip she said there won't be an appointment until I get back (I thought I had one today and I had misheard her, luckily I rang to find address)

She said she'll send me leaflets and such in the post.

Is it worth me having a full check up from the GP before I go? Just for reassurance?

02-10-16, 07:35
Was that the old 'in the last 2 weeks rate how you felt when...'?

These come unstuck when you fill them in during better periods. The practice is to keep filling these in at the sessions so that they can see what is changing. This can pick up the high & low periods BUT it's really important to explain you patterns to them because they will be making notes. These notes can help them determine if the scores are pretty worthless on that day because of how your cycles work.

Which forms were they? If they are such as the GAD-7, these can be found online and many sites have a test on them you can fill in. I would be tempted to mark a new test based on how you felt in a bad period and give them that.

If you are having better periods, I think that's interesting because there has been some assumption that your trip is the reason for your anxiety spikes. If so, why do they fade? They would normally be expected to keep going full steam all the way until you fly out, and probably keep going from there.

So, that's encouraging and may mean there are other factors contributing that are more likely causing the spikes and it may show you will be able to cope out there.

As for the "how will you cope in SK and what is their medical system like", you are not signing your passport rights away. If you can't cope and need medical support they don't offer, you are a British citizen and have the right to return and take treatment here.

02-10-16, 11:40
Yes it wasn't in the last few weeks type questions, I had said that I've been better lately and that a few months back and even weeks ago I was rock bottom and. EArly cost me my old job.