View Full Version : Moving to another country very soon - Feeling scared, stressed and anxiety high

30-09-16, 17:41
Hello everyone

I'm in a couple of days, moving to another country. I got a job there, everything is settled. I have a place to stay and all that.

I know how fortunate I'm for having this opportunity. But I'm afraid of a lot of things. That I'll not adapt there.. that I'll not do a good job at my new Workplace... that people will not like me... that I'm not as smart as the other people. I'm scared of how will be my new life there. I don't know anyone there, don't have friends. I left my job here at my home country, invested all my savings on this moving.

At the same time, this is always what I wanted! Since I was a kid, I always imagined how it would be to live in another country. English is not my native language, but I learned it all by myself. Didn't went to school or anything.

I'm facing a lot of anxiety, stress and sadness for leaving everyone and everything behind.. worried of how life will be there. I'm trying to think positive, at all times, but its being really hard now that the date of my travel is approaching.

Sorry for the long post.. any help or words will be much appreciated. And thanks for having this kind of channel for people like us!

Have a great day :)

30-09-16, 18:41
Where are you moving to?

I moved to the UK two years ago and have moved back to SOuth Africa now.

It is difficult but since it's something you've always wants to do you'll be going with a positive attitude which is a big help.

If you already have a job lined up that's a huge step that you've already overcome. And once you're working you'll meet people and make friends.

I battled to find work but I joined a church and the people were so welcoming and I made some very good friends while I was there.

I can understand your anxiety but there is also so much for you to look forward to and be excited about. Try to focus on that instead of your anxieties.

Good luck and keep posting here to let us know how your doing.

PS well done for teaching yourself English. That couldn't have been easy!

30-09-16, 19:13
Thank you for you help!

I'm moving to a country in Europe. It is very hard.. and I think I always only look at the bad side of things. I often don't look at the good side. I think that's my biggest issue.

Sorry if this is a personal question and I'm okay with you not answering it, but what made you go back to your home country?

30-09-16, 19:24
We went with positive attitudes, expecting only the best from our move. Unfortunately we battled to find work (we're both over 50 ). This led to my becoming quite depressed and homesick Also I missed my children, who stayed behind in South Africa.

But as I said before, you've already crossed the biggest hurdle if you have a job in your new country.

Go with an open mind and a positive outlook.
And remember if things don't work out you can always go back home.
If you don't do this you'll always regret it.

I'm glad we went, it was an amazing experience. But I'm also glad that we accepted it wasn't working and weren't too proud to come home again. At least we tried!

01-10-16, 23:06
I tend to get terrible anxiety before a big change or event. It's normal to have some nerves but for those of us with anxiety it can feel unbearable.

If it doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world. If you don't go, you'll never know what might have been. You will meet people through your job and where you're living and you could try to meet people through a social group, they should be advertised locally or online.

You can still speak to and visit your family and friends back home, it's so easy to stay in contact with people these days.

I'm going away in a few weeks to Australia and New Zealand and I'm scared. Three months ago I was sure this was what I wanted to do, but now I'm not so sure. That's what anxiety does to us though, it produces all these doubts.

02-10-16, 00:13
I can relate of moving to a different country. In 2012 I moved out to Finland for 18 months for a contract job. I got very stressed and anxious before I got there. Some of the stress points for me were:

Only spoke my native language
Going out there completely on my own
Miles away from home
Hope I will not upset any of my new co-workers
Will I be safe out there on my own
What will I do if fail

What helped me was taking time to understanding what was causing me to be so anxious. I kept thought records (TRs) that I learnt from CBT that I worked on constantly before and during whist I was out in Finland.

There were times I did think I would have to return home early as it become too much; especially in winter time as there very little daylight and cold.

However, I set myself goals and during my time I gained new friends and enjoyed most of 18 months I was out there..

Since then TRs help me to cope majority of the time.

03-10-16, 12:36
Hello everyone

I'm in a couple of days, moving to another country. I got a job there, everything is settled. I have a place to stay and all that.

I know how fortunate I'm for having this opportunity. But I'm afraid of a lot of things. That I'll not adapt there.. that I'll not do a good job at my new Workplace... that people will not like me... that I'm not as smart as the other people. I'm scared of how will be my new life there. I don't know anyone there, don't have friends. I left my job here at my home country, invested all my savings on this moving.

At the same time, this is always what I wanted! Since I was a kid, I always imagined how it would be to live in another country. English is not my native language, but I learned it all by myself. Didn't went to school or anything.

I'm facing a lot of anxiety, stress and sadness for leaving everyone and everything behind.. worried of how life will be there. I'm trying to think positive, at all times, but its being really hard now that the date of my travel is approaching.

Sorry for the long post.. any help or words will be much appreciated. And thanks for having this kind of channel for people like us!

Have a great day :)

Firstly, well done on learning English! I would love to have the opportunity to live and work in another country so well done!

You're always going to have some forms of worrying when you change jobs or move to a country, so this is totally normal. You're also going to be a bit sad about leaving friends and loved ones. However if this is something you really want to do then go for it and try to push the anxiety aside. The first few weeks may be hard or it may be easy for you, but just give yourself time to adjust to this new country and job and I promise you will be fine.

All the best :)