View Full Version : Cracking Battery Mystery

02-10-16, 11:10
Last night I hear a noise like a sharp crack from the kitchen. Then my 2nd CO2 alarm beeped indicating battery change required.
The 9V Asda battery was due to expire Dec 2016. But 3/4 of the top (with the silver parts)which affixes to the device was cracked open. I was anxious but could see no white bits nor fluid. It seemed dry. I wrapped it up & reinspected it this morning - no change. Scellotaped battery up & disposed of it responsibily. The device recommended using Duracell battery - did the battery crack because it was a supermarket one or has this happened to anyone else. I get nervous with dodgy batteries. Any ideas/advice. Thanks:)

02-10-16, 11:53
Hi Lucinda,
batteries are made of zinc/magnesium plates, which are surrounded by an acidic liquid paste.
Odds are the battery maybe had a fault or even more simply that it was never inserted fully and just sprung out-forced out my the metal springs. Either way, please keep using your no name batteries, you needn't pay more for Duracell :)

02-10-16, 12:18
Thanks for the info.
It had been in the device for a few years (2008?)! & I was going to buy a new battery shortly.

02-10-16, 20:37
Thanks for the info.
It had been in the device for a few years (2008?)! & I was going to buy a new battery shortly.

You might want to replace the device, they have a limited life span (it'll beep when it dies), funnily enough I bought a new one just last week on Amazon, £13 delivered if I recall.

02-10-16, 22:29
You are probably right that the device has reached the end of its life span (came from a DIY store & given to me by a relative in 2007/8)
I bought a new one from British Gas in 2015 (life span 7 years) & I just kept the former for back up. Just annoyed with myself for not checking battery earlier! (It went off at 12.30 am!) & I was anxious there may have been leakage - but it seems ok.
Thanks for your advice which is appreciated:)

03-10-16, 06:28
Hi Lucinda,

I hope you are well?

Even if batteries leak, it's not a worry. If you leave batteries in a device unused for a long time they will discharge and they can eventually leak.

I had two remote controls I rarely ever use and forgot about them. I've been having a big spring clean the last month or so and checked them to find that 3 of the 4 AA's had started leaking. I just removed them, carefully cleaned the springs in the remotes and put the batteries in a doggy bag to take to the recycling point in my local supermarket.

We get those sudden sharp cracks in our kitchen, have done for years and we don't have a CO2 device or smoke alarm in that room. It could be plastic affected by normal heat, like how the inside of an oven goes TWANG as it's cooling. It may even be a device in the kitchen that operates a switch inside when a situation arises like when your cut outs, RCD's, etc operate if a fuse goes. I really wouldn't concern yourself about it.

As for battery fluid, as long as you aren't planning on setting fire to it, rubbing it in sensitive areas of the body like your eyes, or doing a "Father Jack" and drinking it, you will be fine.

Manufacturers may say use the most expensive brand, it's meaningless. As long as you use the correct volt battery for the device, that's all you need. Years ago people would assume the power from the shape e.g. AA, AAA, etc but these days it's not just about size but power so some devices need more MAH in the battery than others or they don't work at all or very quickly stop working. Shavers are a good example or cameras with zoom & especially a flash. Even if a battery stops working, it could still have loads of power left and it's just the device that needs more than it offers. I get this with some of mine and I have a battery tester so I can work out of I can just use it in a lower power device rather than discard it too early. I've found very cheap batteries can have this problem, I still buy them though,

I never go anywhere near premium brands, they are a rip off. They may keep the bunny running for longer but I don't mind swapping my bunny's batteries 10 times when those 10 batteries still cost less than one rip off Duracell battery!

03-10-16, 09:30
Hi Terry
Good to hear from you!
The last few months have been v eventful, plus a blip with my family but I'm ok.
Last year, a torch (stored light down) in a kitchen cupboard leaked & took the paint off the MDF shelf. Panicked! Wiped it all down. Batteries white. Had 2 discard torch - chucked 1 or 2 things near it incase fluid had got on them.
Thanks for explaining about batteries - a gap in my knowledge. I hate clearing up battery leaks - but I understand a large quantity would be required to cause any discomfort to the skin.
Thanks for the time you have taken to reply - which is appreciated. I know you are working hard on your anxiety issues and have less opportunity to contact NMP members these days. L:)