View Full Version : Scared and feeling alone

02-10-16, 18:13
Hi everyone,
I'm feeling really down and wondering if anyone can relate to me with stuff that's going on.
I leak urine most days and I've got it into my head that it's a tumour on my bladder and that its a sign of ovarian cancer,
I then search for other symptoms like wondering if I'm bloated or when my legs feel tired (after teaching sport at school) is that also due to the cancer.
I'm scared to go get tested but for the past year now I've constantly thought its this and the feeling and thoughts won't leave me. Would things have got worse if it was? Or not necessarily?

Hope to hear from someone.

02-10-16, 18:20
How old are you? Do you do kegels?

02-10-16, 18:22
I'm 32 and no what's that?

02-10-16, 18:45
Pelvic floor exercises. Google them :)

Elizabeth Fry
03-10-16, 00:30
There are lots of things this could be - none serious. Thrush, weak bladder, dryness in the urethral wall etc.
If you can see your GP or try a website which sells a products called Yes. These can be used for dryness and other gynaecological problems. Hope this helps.

03-10-16, 04:00
Hi! Just wondering if you have had children? As I have found that if I jump around I have this also. Do you only have it when doing exercise or do you have it regardless? I don't think it would be anything major, but maybe it would put your mind at ease if you have it checked out. Tracy

03-10-16, 08:00
I have had similar symptoms (and thoughts to be honest) since 25 around bladder weakness...I think some of us are just more prone to it. Mine I suspect is hormonal. Surprisingly this is one area where my HA doesn't go insane. Pelvic floor exercises do help, there is an app which helps you do them...counts you through tensing and relaxing the muscles.

But agree, just get it mentioned to the dr next time and they will asses. Getting tested will not change the outcome.

04-10-16, 00:08
Most women leak alittle pee once and while. You google anything such anything like I sneeze alot it will say cancer. I know I have done it. lol

---------- Post added at 23:08 ---------- Previous post was at 23:07 ----------

And leaking bladder isnt common to either on of those illnesss.