View Full Version : Does Citalopram work as well second time

02-10-16, 18:52
was on cit a few years back for about 4 years now feel I need to go back on ,does it work a second time Ive heard stories it doesn't ?

02-10-16, 19:23
Hi jimmy,
I was on citalopram for several years (worked well) 'til about 5 years ago. Through circumstances I was taken off it and have been messing about with other meds ever since. Chopping and changing, "shall we try this" etc. nothing seemed to work. 2 months ago I asked my psychiatrist if I could try citalopram again. The first few weeks of side effects were not pleasant but I have decided to give it 3 months to work. I have heard and read on nmp that it can be a slow starter but everyone is different. I can't say that it is working miracles but I am not any worse and do sometimes have what I call glimmers. I would give it a try, and give it time.
take care

02-10-16, 19:28
Thanks so generally it still is effective ,maybe sertraline is worth a try

02-10-16, 22:02
If you're worried about Citilopram not working then I would try something else. I tried Cit for the third time and it didn't work so I'm on Sert now. Previously cit worked twice for me.

FWIW Sert isn't working particularly well for me either at the moment but I remain hopeful.



04-10-16, 12:02
so do AD's work for most people even if you stop them after a few years then start them again ?

04-10-16, 12:09
I think it is a very individual thing. Some do and some don't.

04-10-16, 13:00
It seems most people have a positive experience though?

04-10-16, 19:37
I've been on and off Citalopram for 15 years and it always worked again, sometimes it took longer than others and sometimes I needed a different dose.

08-10-16, 21:20
Hey, I was on and off cit for over 12 years and it worked very well for me. I was mainly on a maintenance dose then if I had a blip I had to go up the dose slightly. It's very different for everyone. Recently I stopped responding to it so I had to switch.

15-10-16, 14:19
was on cit a few years back for about 4 years now feel I need to go back on ,does it work a second time Ive heard stories it doesn't ?

Hello JimmyJ,

I am in a very similar situation as yours. I was on citalopram for approx 5 years before I weaned myself off it. I have been back on it for approx 2 weeks now. Started with 10 and now upped to 20. Going through the side affects these days. Hopefully it kicks in soon.
