View Full Version : Reassurance please!!

29-03-07, 21:01
Hiya all,
Well my anxiety and stuff has been alot worse since my grandad passed away late Nov,one of the things i hate is being alone,and in about 45 mins my OH will be starting his night shift.
Right now,pulse is raised,starting to feel anxious,breathings getting faster.
I have been alone thousands of times and it isnt getting any easier right now.
I just wanted a bit of advice and reassurance before i blow things outta proportation.

29-03-07, 21:18
Hi Danuella!:flowers:

GG here to talk about any subject you wish while you do some controlled breathing and peel yourself off the ceiling! (which is where you'll find me when I feel like you do right now!)


29-03-07, 21:19
Sorry, that sounded a bit flippant.....din't mean it to, just rying to help:)!

29-03-07, 21:22
Hi there..
Know how you feel. All i can suggest is try your hardest to occupy your mind. I find playing online games help, that is generally the best thing for me.
If you've done it before you KNOW you CAN do it. Try and focus on that :)

Sarah x

29-03-07, 21:26
Hey dont worry GG ya gotta have a sense of humour or we'd all be really crazy,lol,thanks so much you guys,the clocks ticking,i'm just browsing round the net trying to chill,it'll only be for 6 hours,not too bad really,lol!!

29-03-07, 21:34
Don't know if I can stay on for 6 hours Danuella lol !!

Sarah's right you know, do anything at all to occupy yourself.....even those incredibly unimaginable ones like.......

.....origami, tiddlywinks (why do the red ones always flippin end up behind the settee?) crochet (blah! never could do it like me Granny!), knitting those tiny little squares for charity blankets (why do the colours never go together?).......the possibilities are endless........or you could just surf the net and hang out with eveyone on NMP !!

Thanks for being kind to granny!:)

29-03-07, 21:37
Oh I love being alone.

The Tv, cats, fridge, junk food, wine and everything is all mine for a while.

You will be fine - just keep busy.

Time alone is actually good for you did you know?

29-03-07, 21:42
I know its good for me its just a year ago i moved out to the country and left behind all my security blankets,i had to do it,its just tough right now,trying to think positive,relax,do family tree,get annoyed with the dogs,lol why do they always sit near me and lick their bits!! charming huh,lol.
Hes just left now cant sleep till he gets home its terrible to be so dependent on someone else for my own security isnt it!!
Anxiety arghhhh

29-03-07, 21:42
I'm really sorry if i'm not making much sense right now thoughts jumbled.

29-03-07, 21:46
You're making perfect sense to me Danuella! :)

Re dogs and their bits: Just don't wear pink fluffy slippers when they are around, or it will get a whole lot worse lol :w00t2:


29-03-07, 21:47
Oh tell me bout it i have t buy new slippers every month,unfortunatly i have terriers and if its fluffy or been on my feet its theirs to chew and do whatever with,lol

29-03-07, 22:34

I've got this vision of you flopping around in fluffy slippers with a terrier hanging off each one!

Praps you should invest in a pair of those doggie character one's (preferably Rottweiler) - that should put 'em off lol !! :emot-eek:

Glad to see you're feeling a bit better :) !!

30-03-07, 17:51
Thanks so much for al your help yesterday,i really do appreciate it you all made me cheer up no end :)

30-03-07, 19:07
Hi Dan !
I try to tell myself nobody ever died from a panic attack.
Then I distract myself ... name 3 things I can see / hear / smell..... then 2 different things I can see / hear / smell ..... then 1 etc
That usually helps take the edge off.

30-03-07, 22:28
So sorry to hear about your Grandpa.
Try a bedtime drink, a warm bath, read some poems, write your thoughts down or anything else that calms you.
Have you thought about some counselling - i went to Cruse which was excellent.
This panic will pass!!!:hugs: