View Full Version : no appetite

02-10-16, 20:59
high how do people cope when they have no appetite mine has gone completely I can only manage baby portions or just ask my partner to put some of his on a plate for me and then I struggle to eat even that bit I feel permanently full all I can manage is a sandwich or perhaps a scone or a bit of fruit and then I usually feel a bit sick afterwards I think that I amjust goi to have to pick at food in little bits it just feels like my whole system and body is absolutely knackered and I am sick of the struggleevery day just to function and sometimes I cant even do that, its the not knowing what is going to come next that really gets to me and I am so tired of it all after all these years of living with GAD I don't feel strong enough to cope some days and sit and cry and my wonderful loving dog licks away my tears I am not feeling sorry for myself just sick of living this way day in day out week in week out year in year out in fact its not living at all just going through the motions really

03-10-16, 12:52
high how do people cope when they have no appetite mine has gone completely I can only manage baby portions or just ask my partner to put some of his on a plate for me and then I struggle to eat even that bit I feel permanently full all I can manage is a sandwich or perhaps a scone or a bit of fruit and then I usually feel a bit sick afterwards I think that I amjust goi to have to pick at food in little bits it just feels like my whole system and body is absolutely knackered and I am sick of the struggleevery day just to function and sometimes I cant even do that, its the not knowing what is going to come next that really gets to me and I am so tired of it all after all these years of living with GAD I don't feel strong enough to cope some days and sit and cry and my wonderful loving dog licks away my tears I am not feeling sorry for myself just sick of living this way day in day out week in week out year in year out in fact its not living at all just going through the motions really


My dogs are a real comfort when I'm having a really bad day especially when my anxiety is bad. They do help to calm me down and make me sort of smile and feel better. Dog's are fantasic companions. If you're having issues with eating and being able to function on a daily basis you really need to see a GP for help. You may of have GAD for a while but you don't have to live like this, you can get better. There are loads of different self help, medications, therapy that can help get rid or at least ease the GAD so you cna begin to function normally. Have you tried setting youself set meals through the day? even if you have small meals but but say try and eat a few snacks just to help get you started again.

03-10-16, 13:16
My advice:

Start slow.
You will have to force yourself to eat, because you need energy to overcome this anxiety. Anxiety is exacerbated when you have low energy. And anxiety makes you feel like you have less appetite, so it is a vicious circle.

Work up an appetite.
Once you start eating, you need to use that energy, and burn it off to create more of an appetite. I do a lot of walking and cycling, and this not only makes me feel better, I get a great hunger and appetite from doing so.

If you went back 1000 years in our evolution, we worked extremely hard for only a small amount of food. So that is how you develop an appetite.

03-10-16, 18:36
Thanks for the replies I spoke to my doctor this morning and she has upped my duloxetine to 60mg till I get to see the psychiatrist to discuss a change of meds. I have other health issues that prevent me from working up an appetite like a good walk or exercise so sadly that's off the menu I have eaten a good meal today a beef dinner and had a yoghurt and a toasted cheese sandwich had to eat them slowly and finished them all so not done bad today considering

03-10-16, 19:11
Hi , a few years ago when I tried meds I pretty much stopped eating I was so nervous all day I just could face anything , I was told at the time to just eat little and often , and eat anything that you fancy even if it's not normally good for you being hungry or thirsty makes the anxiety worse and then the anxiety makes you not want to eat , it's a viscous circle , I'm the oposit now I eat a bit to much for comfort , have to draw the line at letting my dogs lick my face I see what they lick when we are out they are not coco pops the rabbits leave behind for their breakfast , there were times my dogs were the only thing kept me going out of the house , take care .

03-10-16, 19:40
Thanks for the replies I spoke to my doctor this morning and she has upped my duloxetine to 60mg till I get to see the psychiatrist to discuss a change of meds. I have other health issues that prevent me from working up an appetite like a good walk or exercise so sadly that's off the menu I have eaten a good meal today a beef dinner and had a yoghurt and a toasted cheese sandwich had to eat them slowly and finished them all so not done bad today considering

Very pleased to hear it, and sorry about the other issues.

Keep in touch, and let us know how you are getting on.

03-10-16, 21:27
Thanks for the support what would we do without each other

04-10-16, 17:42
Little and often is the key I think. I have lost so much weight over the last few months. I am forcing myself to eat and it's not easy but I need to do it. I have treated myself to some high-end ready meals and it has made eating so much easier. They are meals I would not cook for myself. I look forward to looking in the fridge now instead of never bothering. I think you need to be kind to yourself for a wee while.

04-10-16, 22:22
I have done okay again today yoghurt this morning sandwich for lunch and home made cottage pie it was a struggle but I did it just hope I can keep it up its not that I don't want to eat Ive never had a problem in that respect I just have no appetite but I will persevere because I have to.