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View Full Version : Toilet

03-10-16, 01:17
I am worried sick because I've had diarrhea for 2 weeks and I'm going at least 7 times a day. I can't sleep for the gurgling and noises from my stomach and I can feel the liquid moving in my stomach. My stool sample was ok but my liver function test wasn't and I have to have a phone consultation about it with the dr. I am scared stiff that my livers damaged and that's causing the diarrhea etc. I don't want to have to take Imodium but I feel I am going to have to or else I will be ill with losing all the elecrolytes and salts out of my body.

03-10-16, 05:19
My mum had two weeks like this, it was very unpleasant for her. Because she in her late sixties she was admitted to hospital via her GP because of the concern for loss of fluids & salts. She only spent a couple of days in and greatly improved once they hooked her up to a drip.

Her age & health conditions were a factor in her admission, so I'm not saying you would go the same route but I'm trying to reassure you that such things happen and can be very easily resolved with the right medication & care. She was literally back to normal after a few days.

You can take rehydration salts to help. These can be found in any pharmacy and they have them in supermarkets too (I've seen them in Tesco stores). Try to keep your fluids up, my mum struggled with that too as it would just make her go again.

19-10-16, 18:46
Zippy, did you speak to your gp about your liver? How did it go?