View Full Version : Really worried about these symptoms

03-10-16, 14:18
Hi guys well I've had the following symptoms for exactly 2 weeks now. Spaced out, lightheaded, nausea, feeling like I'm going to pass out, heart racing and headache. I'm terrified there is something wrong with me. At first I thought I was just coming down with something but it's been so long now in scared it could be something like a brain tumor or leukemia! I also have pain in my neck like tension pain but I had this before I worried about it. My husband thinks it's stress/anxiety but it can't be can it? Ive suffered with anxiety/ocd for about 10 years but have felt OK for a few weeks. I feel like I can't do anything with my 2 year old because I feel like this. I can't stop crying too because I just want it to stop so I can feel better again! I'm so scared I'll be like this for the rest of my life. I'm attending my gp tomorrow

03-10-16, 14:29
Neck pain can have all sorts of strange effects, including all of the things you list.

Spaced out, lightheaded, nausea, feeling like I'm going to pass out

You realise these are essentially all the same, or very similar feelings right?

You've managed to give one feeling four different names. :D

Heart racing is just anxiety caused from worrying.

The headache is related to the neck pain. Sort your neck out.

I suffer with neck pain intermittently, and it sometimes spikes my anxiety too, because it can cause weird sensations. I got myself a memory foam pillow, and it really made a huge difference.

Remember, your neck is like the broadband connection, that connects your brain to your spine. Lots goes on there, and if you have neck pain, you will get other odd sensations.

03-10-16, 14:41
Obviously I'm not a doctor so can't say what, if anything, is wrong with you but every symptom you've mentioned can be caused by anxiety.

I have a son the same age as your daughter and when my anxiety is at my worst I feel selfish and guilty for missing out on enjoying time with him and my wife. I know it's easier said than done but try to relax and enjoy spending time with her. She's at a great stage so make the most of it. My son's laugh is the best treatment I have ever found for the depression, insecurity and anxiety I experience.

03-10-16, 15:43
It's horrible it's like I can't focus on anything like in constantly going into a day dream. Im hoping my gp can help me as im really struggling. I'm just scared its not anxiety and something else

03-10-16, 15:53
It's like I can't focus on anything

Just so you know, I have been there. It is like you can't focus...

..but the thing is, you can focus. In fact, you are amazing at focusing. You would be in the Top 1% of focusers in the world, if there was a ranking system.

You are just focusing on the wrong thing!

You need to take responsibility for pulling yourself out of it. And to start with, you have to start focusing your attention on something else.

03-10-16, 16:23
It's so hard when I'm feeling this way. I've just head my daughter to the park and felt like I was hitting off the walls just feel like I'm so unsteady on my feet

03-10-16, 16:30
What is your diet/appetite like lately?

03-10-16, 16:41
My appetite is normalise but my diet recently isn't great at all. I've hardly had any fruit or veg so I'm trying to get back into this.