View Full Version : 20mg to 10mg - need help!

03-10-16, 15:31
Hello lovely People! :D

I'm a newbie to this forum so apologies if I'm repeating a topic (I found some old threads like this but wanted to start a new thread so hope that's OK!)

I have been on citalopram for over a year and it's been AMAZING! My husband called it a "transformation". I am reducing my dosage, possibly with a view to stopping altogether, though not sure yet. My doctor said that as I'm only on 20mg I could drop straight down to 10 rather than tapering and it shouldn't include any side effects. However... four days in I'm feeling headachy, tired and a bit queasy (nothing too bad). I found going on them a bit tough, though not terrible. He was insistent that 20-10 shouldn't be too big a drop, but I'm worried it might be. Am I just being paranoid? Importantly, I emotionally feel absolutely fine, though I know it's early days.

Thank you and have an awesome day! :shades:

03-10-16, 16:49
Hi and welcome. I started on 10mg went to 20 then halved tabs and went 25mg and then 30mg.. the doc wanted me to straight in at 40 bit I was terrified of side affects so I splits tabs myself. She wasn't happy but if felt right for me. I don't know enough about side affects of withdrawal etc but I guess doc may know best. Others on here may comment and have more experience. Keep on doing well. Nice to here success stories. Xx

03-10-16, 17:19
Thanks for your reply - my real name is Polly :) For me, immediately halving a dosage, even if it's small to start with, feels a bit much... It's making me worry...

05-10-16, 11:53
My headaches are now pretty bad and I am SO TIRED! I'm also having some pretty trippy, negative dreams. Can anyone tell me if this is temporary, and if so when can I expect it to go? Feel like I'm failing...

08-10-16, 06:35
Here's what the professionals say:


Reduce slowly
Research suggests:
if treatment has lasted less than 8 weeks, stopping over 1-2 weeks should be OK
after 6-8 months treatment, taper off*over 6-8 weeks
if you have been on maintenance treatment, taper more gradually: e.g. reduce the dose by not more than ¼ every 4-6 weeks.
Stay in touch with your doctor
Be prepared to stop the reduction or increase your dose again if needed
Keep a diary of your symptoms and drug doses.

Sadly, GP's can be pretty ignorant with antidepressants and rather than follow this expert advice they say drop by 50% because that's what the manufacturers have made. The NHS has no policy on splitting pills so many GP's just stick to the dosages produced rather than stick their necks out and do their homework. Mine was the same when I came off Cit.

Any change in dosage can mean side effects. Any doctor who says otherwise is a numpty.

When I went 20-10mg it was dizziness, foggy cotton wool heads and brain zaps. It was much easier than going onto them though which was very hard. The withdrawal seemed to calm down after about 10 days. It was the same when I went 10mg-0mg but more pronounced. A good 15 days later though I it had gone.

It's always individual with all these meds though.

09-10-16, 14:34
You've just made me feel so much better! I actually stumbled across that while googling withdrawal. I'm cross I didn't argue, but my doctor was insistent the jump was fine and it really hasn't been. He made me feel I couldn't argue. I'm hoping it will settle down soon as it's been just over a week now.