View Full Version : constant dizzy feeling

29-03-07, 22:29

Just wondered why do I feel dizzy all the time. It really makes me think I have a brain tumour but then on the other hand, Ive only had dizziness since the anxiety started, back in October!! Im trying to believe its only anxiety but can someone tell me exactly why I have it all day.

Thanks for reading this - Liz xx

29-03-07, 22:38
Breathing correctly will help this.

Read the webiste pages on coping and symptoms for help.

30-03-07, 13:29
hi liz
you,re not alone hunney,i get it too all day everyday almost.sometimes worse than others.
i think relaxation does help a little and also trying to just ignore it(though i know thats easier said than done!!!)
take care
rach x

31-03-07, 01:10
Its all anxiety... read all my posts. i've had this for months.. Only now i have learned to deal with it, once you stop fearing it only then things will start getting better.. I still get it at times during the day but once i ignore it it fades away. I notice mine while at work the most, it used to be constant but for the last 2 weeks things have been getting better.

All Anxiety.. It will stay with you as long as you continue to fear it.

31-03-07, 10:03
Yes, I know it is horrible. Don't worry - if you have been checked out it is not going to harm you. I have had it for months last year. It did go away for a while but now it is back although more intermittent and with a clearer pattern, so that now I can tell it peaks at more stressful times (eg. outdoors, or when I am not breathing properly ie. I am probably hyperventilating while chatting on the phone or to friends).
Although I have had it really severely I have never ever fainted or passed out despite feeling like I might.
Hang in there - know it's not dangerous - and it will pass and lessen.
I'm sorry I know it's not nice - this symptom and the ectopics are my worst and most feared symptoms
Look after yourself

31-03-07, 10:11
i too have been getting this daily for about 8 months now. its awful isnt it.
i notice for me its recently worse at night. i have no idea why. i occasionally get it in the day, and its scary when im driving. its weird, i got a ear infection last year-which affected my balance, and brougt on this dizzyness. the ear infection went away, but the dizzyness stayed. sometimes it makes me nervious, and to be honest, id do anything to make it go away for good. its by far my worst symptom. i hate it, hate it, hate it. so your not alone in this!
i also feel unwell at times-the other symptom id do anything to get rid of.

take care, and lets hope we will get some time off from this very very soon, like tomorrow..lol..

31-03-07, 13:50
Hello Lizzie !
When we feel anxious our breathing goes into overdrive (hyperventilate). The deeper we breathe, the more oxygen gets into our system - hey presto ! Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy. Contolling your breathing is the key - gently breathe IN and count to five - breathe OUT and count for seven. This way you balance the oxygen/carbon dioxide in your body and the dizziness will calm.

31-03-07, 14:51
I know its horrible! I had this for a short time, but when I did it was awful! Everyone is right though....once I started breathing properly during the times that I would feel this way it would subside. Also, the fear of our symptoms often causes our symptoms. So trying to just accept these things as just a product of anxiety helps tons! Best wishes!

31-03-07, 21:05
I get dizzzy when I feel stressed and under pressure. I sit down, have a cuppa with sugar in it and tell myself its just panic. Seems to help!


31-03-07, 21:14
HI all
Thanks for replying. Its so good to know Im not the only one!!!

I really only seem to get one anxiety symptom at a time.

The last couple of weeks, it has been a pounding heart and now, its the blooming dizziness. Its really making my life unbearable, I keep thinking Ill have a stroke or have a brain tumour!

If I take antidepressants, will it go?

Joe1981 - "All Anxiety.. It will stay with you as long as you continue to fear it."

Fantastic, you really have hit the nail on the head, what a fantastic quote!!!!!!!!!!!!! My boyfriend has told me to print this out and look at it everytime I feel rubbish!!!!

Thank you - Liz xx