View Full Version : Massive job search stress

03-10-16, 21:26
So, I graduate from university in December and will hopefully have a job so that I can move out and start adulting.

I started job searching because there are several people in my class who already have jobs lined up, though theirs are largely with big corporations and I would prefer to work for a smaller company. However, I can't actually work until December unless I quit my current job and work part time to start, which is of course risky as I love my current job and don't want to regret that choice.

I feel like I'm applying too early but I want to get a jump start and don't want to miss out on a good opportunity. I feel like I'm spinning in a circle and I don't know what to do. Plan to talk to the career center tomorrow for advice but still...why must this be so stressful?

I just emailed in a resume and was instantly responded to with the question of whether or not I could work full time. I have to say no, but I could work part time until I graduate and then go full time. Scared of what the response will be though.

---------- Post added at 21:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:32 ----------

Update: I have an interview scheduled for tomorrow. Let the terror commence.

06-10-16, 16:37
You're in a great position. You've got a job that you love, you've got time and you've got an interview for tomorrow!

Just be honest with what you can and can't do at the moment.

06-10-16, 16:45

Interviews are nerve-racking for most people.

Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.

Makes it so much easier.

06-10-16, 18:41
Kuatir - I do have a job that I love, but it's a student position meaning that I can only work here until I graduate in December and it doesn't pay very much at all. But I suppose that's better than nothing at all!

My in-person interview yesterday actually went really well. I have a phone interview today with a company that I really, really want to work for so I've got my fingers crossed for this one. I'm strangely calm about it though; I really think it could go either way so it's almost like I realize that I just need to do my best and see what happens.

07-10-16, 15:23
Ah, fair enough. A lot of graduate employers will know that you will be looking well ahead of the time. You might love your current job, but it won't be so bad if a great opportunity arises that means you need to leave it a little early than you'd hoped.

Good luck with the interviews!

07-10-16, 21:59
Thank you!

I went to a seminar today about how to job hunt more effectively...it really just put me in a slump. It's all so difficult and complicated and I feel no one will ever hire me.

I had a phone interview for the job I really wanted and I (think) it went okay...but it's hard to say. No doubt a lot of people threw in applications for it, and I probably looked more desperate because I've applied with this company before and the hiring manager even mentioned that. His questions were all really basic and I had awesome, well supported answers for them (I totally will pat myself on the back for that) but he said he'd let me know in a week or so if I'd be selected for a panel interview. I just feel like no matter what I won't get it, even though I know I'd be really, really good at the position...I'm just not the sort to get big breaks like that.

So...I've basically resigned myself to a good few months of constant stress and that feels really crappy. Obviously I have anxiety but most of my anxiety previously has been centered around health, so worrying about this kind of stuff is a whole new ballgame for me and it's harder for me to know how to cope with it. It's really terrible too, coming off of the fact that I just had an awesome physical and had like a day where I felt great because I knew I was healthy, only to be whammed with a DIFFERENT type of anxiety.

I'm also afraid of the anxiety getting really bad and my depression setting back in, which won't help me at all and I really don't want, nor can I afford.

Anyway, thanks for letting me rant. Makes me feel a little less alone navigating through all of this awfulness :)