View Full Version : Deer contamination?

04-10-16, 07:22
I am reeling right now. I rented a car to visit my parents and on the drive up came *this close* to hitting a deer. I was cruising along at 70 mph and had to come to a complete stop, with the seemingly unfazed deer standing next to the car. Here's the problem: I had the defroster on, which pulls air in from the outside. Since I was so close to it, I can't help but think of bits of fur and germs being sucked in from the deer. Now I feel that the interior of the car, and myself are contaminated. I was meant to bring things back with me but don't want to because then my place will be contaminated. I've done some research to try and assuage my fears but haven't come up with anything that keeps me from feeling this is a huge problem. Any insight/advice?

04-10-16, 09:42
At this time of year, animals develop their winter coat. They're not shedding hair - so nothing to fear on that front. I don't think such an animal has any more germs than you or I. You are not contaminated just stressed & worried. Thankfully you didn't hit it & you and the deer are ok! There's no contamination just anxiety. :)

05-10-16, 05:16
But SO much anxiety!! No matter how much I try to reason with the bully in my mind who is telling me to freak out, it's just not making much of a dent. I've thought about the exposure hunters get, I've thought about the fact that cars have cabin filters, etc. But there's just this general feeling of unease. It's this overwhelming notion that the perceived contamination has spread and I can't seem to get over it. The anxiety isn't abating. Every time I get back in that car it feels like I'm covered in a layer of somewhat nondescript, dangerous deer dander that can't be wiped or washed or vacuumed away.

Here's what I'm doing to try and tackle this and work through the anxiety. I'm putting different tasks related to this event on a ladder of how nervous they make me and I'm working through/exposing myself to them. So last night I bought some food from the store that was set on the front seat (boxed food in a plastic bag, but still) and I made myself eat that. Today, I made myself wear my "contaminated" shoes with a non-contaminated outfit. My hope is that I can work my way up this ladder by the time I have to leave and successfully take things back home in the "contaminated" car without being too overwhelmed that those things then become "contaminated". By the way, I know I'm using a lot of air quotes but I need to keep trying to remind/convince myself that the perceived contamination and danger is just in my head and not real.

05-10-16, 10:34
Keep at it!
It is only by facing our fears little by little that they will diminish. You are safe.
Good luck!:)