View Full Version : GAD

04-10-16, 07:26
Hi I am new to the group but GAD & depression are the labels assigned to me by the medical community. I'm not sure how this web site works as of yet so please forgive me if this is in the wrong place. I was interested in the chat group but it says you have to be in the group for five days and post once so, one post and one day down. See you all later.

04-10-16, 08:51
Hi Esabell,

Just because you feel like you've been 'labelled' depressed and anxious, doesn't mean that is your identity, or who you will be for the rest of your life.

I labelled myself as depressed and anxious for years, until one day I realised I was living out a self-fulfilling prophecy!! I did a video on YouTube where I talk about this here. Video Link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TppWwrj2IY)

So realise that these things are temporary if you take action to deal with them. It won't happen over night. It took me 6 months just to feel normal. Not happy, or positive, or buzzing... just normal.

Do not identify with these labels!

You can, and will, change.

05-10-16, 04:48
Hi and welcome to the forum , it's just a safety thing to stop trolls coming on , hope you find some support with your problems you are amongst a lot of people in the same boat and it can be a help at times just to know you are not alone , take care .

05-10-16, 06:33
If you ask Admin (post a thread on their board or use the contact option) they will set you up for the chat room sooner. Like Buster says, it keeps the trolls, sellers and spammers out of the chat room.