View Full Version : Got to for chest xray

04-10-16, 11:16
Hi I have got to go for a chest X-ray and I don't know how I'm going to get it done as I'm scared of traveling on buses taxes cars and to scared to go on my own it's too far for me to walk to the hospital as it is 7 miles away I'm even scared to go even if someone is with me or takes me in thier car.i know I need to go and get it done but even just thinking about going I get so anxiousness and scared can anyone give me some advice on how I can do it.

Lady Penelope
04-10-16, 11:39
Can your GP prescribe you something just to get you through?

04-10-16, 11:43
Hi thk u for replying I'm too scared to take pills.

Lady Penelope
04-10-16, 11:53
Oh dear. I must admit I also hate taking medication and resisted for a long time but I am now on Anti depressants for the last month and also have beta blockers and Diazipam for when I need them. I am having CBT to help me learn to manage and hopefull will be able to come off the drugs eventually. I have used rescue remedy and deep breathing in the last to try and help me through. And also a trusted friend who understands totally. Have you read the Claire weekes books? Or the Dare book? I wish you luck

04-10-16, 12:31
I've read one of Claire weekend books but not the dare one I'm waiting for therapy I've been waiting 6mnths now and I foned them up last week and they told me there is still 50 people in front of me and that is with the metal health team x

04-10-16, 12:49
You must go trish. I don't know why you are scared to take pills. My husband takes
eleven tablets a day. he is well. It's the tablets that are keeping him well.
Without them he would not survive. One calming tablet will not hurt you.
I used to be like you, I still am nervous to go out some days. I even use taxi's now because my calming tablets work.
Whatever happens and you decide to go without help, take a small bottle of very cold water with you and take deep breaths. I am sorry if I sound harsh, but you can do it with help. you just have to ask:hugs:

04-10-16, 17:36
Please ask a friend to go with you. One who understands your fears and anxieties. Most xray departments don't have an appointment system so you can just roll up. Put your big girl pants on and go for it. It will only take a few minutes, the nurses will be really nice and once it is all over you will wonder what the problem was. This is one of the things for which you need to feel the fear and do it. Good luck.

05-10-16, 16:15
Tricia, I'm going to speak frankly. There is no short cut, or easy way to get through panic and anxiety - it's hard work, it's frightening but if you want to get better, then you have to stop saying "can't do it because I'm scared", and move forward. You are on the waiting list for support, but what are you doing to help yourself in the meantime?
You won't take tablets, that's your choice. You're still scared without them anyway but it is up to you. Your fear is no different or worse than the fear and anxiety of many of us on here. We have struggled to get better, bern terrified, done things we were petrified to do - because moving forward and confronting fears is the only way to get past them,

Don't rely on outside support to do the work that's needed. You need to do this yourself, instead of giving all the reasons why you can't get to the hospital, figure out how you're going to get there, with a friend, in a taxi, whatever. The thing is, what advice can we give? We can give you coping strategies, going with a friend, breathing, listening to music - but you have to get yourself to the hospital and get the X-ray done. No magic formula Tricia, other than pushing yourself to do it. I'm sure you can x

06-10-16, 11:25
Hi Trisha, when you say chest x-ray do you mean a Barium x-ray?

06-10-16, 11:34
Hi Trisha, when you say chest x-ray do you mean a Barium x-ray?

Chest x-ray usually refers to the lungs x