View Full Version : Acid reflux killing me?

04-10-16, 11:55
I just experienced some bad acid reflux that I think I am dying. We had a late dinner and cake to celebrate a birthday so we basically just came home and went to bed. I woke up feeling a bad burning sensation at the pit of my stomach and then a slow very painful burn coming up my esophagus this burn I have never ever felt before. It hurt like nothing I've ever felt before and I tried breathing through it but it's left me feeling weak and short of breath. A few seconds later I thought I was going to throw up that burning went straight up into my mouth only for it to be a burp. I took a tums and I continue to burp. What if this burns a hole in my stomach? Right now I'm experiencing some tachycardia :(!! Should I go to the hospital?

Right now I felt a tiny something come up my throat. My stomach on the outside is sensitive to the touch. :(

We had a very spicy pizza , wings, beer and tiramasu. I know all are big nonos but I hadn't been having issues I thought it would be okay.

04-10-16, 11:56
Do you take nexium? If not; perhaps you should have your doc prescibe it for you?
Acid reflux is not dangerous, but if you are not medicated it is really a pain in a certain place.

04-10-16, 12:01
We had a very spicy pizza , wings, beer and tiramasu.

Are you trying to make me hungry?

04-10-16, 12:38
It's all those rich foods late at night. Classic reflux :)

04-10-16, 12:53
Oh dear that sounds bad. I don't eat those sort of foods, but I take tablets for acid reflux from GP.

04-10-16, 14:52
You had "very spicy pizza , wings, beer and tiramasu" and are now complaining about acid reflux? Go away with you! If you sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind, as my grandmother often told me.

04-10-16, 14:54
You had "very spicy pizza , wings, beer and tiramasu" and are now complaining about acid reflux? Go away with you! If you sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind, as my grandmother often told me.

Not everything we love loves us back ;)

Positive thoughts