View Full Version : Two questions (wondering if these are normal things)

30-03-07, 01:01
I've been noticing some things lately and I was just wondering if they were normal.

I'm starting to get twitches. They arn't like muscle spasms, but rather it's like a one time twitch. I'll go to move my hand and it will just flick or twitch. I'll sit down and my leg will twitch or something. What kind of twitching is normal, and what is not normal?

My other question is that I notice after I drink alcohol that my muscles kind of burn with very little activity. I noticed the other day that I had 2 beers and then when I left and was walking around I noticed my leg muscles were burning like I had been doing some squats or leg lifts or something. Is this normal?

30-03-07, 11:46

I get the twitching arms and legs too, its very common with Anixety. If you use the search facility at the top of the screen and put in "Twitching legs" or "Twitching Arms" you will find lots of useful information.

Hope that helps



30-03-07, 12:01
Yep I get this too - I had it this week in a muscle in my shoulder/back and I often get it in my top lip which makes me look like Elvis!!

Piglet :flowers:

30-03-07, 16:10
I read about it on the forum, but I didn't know if it was the same as muscle spasms where your muscles kind of vibrate. This was more of a trick knee kind of thing :)

12-07-10, 22:14
Im wondering if anyone can help me I have a lump on the back of my neck just under the hair line quite close to the spine it is quite big and moves when ever I move my head I noticed this about year ago I also get headaches quite alot im wondering whether this could be anything serious please reply

12-07-10, 22:27
I have the twitches and my muscles ache like a bitch after I have drank alcohol also. :( I know twitches and things can be anxiety related but I'm rather anxious just now about my leg muscles nad such :( I hope you feel better soon dear xx