View Full Version : Was this a panic attack

04-10-16, 14:49
Had anxiey for years was having a good 5 years free untill a few months ago was coming bk the school run when a felt my stomach go so a walked home trying to go quick but A couldn't the faster A walked the slower a went then A started to hyperventilate and pins and needles in my legs and hands and face but then my eyes started to go like a could see dots black ones so A walked quicker and got home and A felt better now a have had them before but not the spots in my eyes now since then am scared Incase It happens again so am scared to go out and it's really impacting on my life. Does anyone know what it was that day was it a panic attack and do u get visual with it. It was also my time of the month. Tks

04-10-16, 15:14
Its important to see a Doctor as close to the time of the incident as possible, so you can get checked over properly.

Have you had anything similar since?

04-10-16, 16:07
No not had it since have spoken to my doc about it though he says there is nothing wrong with me apart from anxiety even checked my blood pressure was 130/80 which is good

04-10-16, 16:24
Sounds like a panic attack to me. Panic can give you some strange symptoms. Sometimes, before I understood what was happening I really believed I was dying.
The best thing you can do is research what happens during a panic attack and why. Once you understand it'll give you control.

05-10-16, 12:32
I often feel pins and needles in my limbs and face, which is also accompanied by feelings of depersonalisation. It can't be anything serious if it passes as soon as you get home and feel calm and safe. :)

06-10-16, 10:13
The same situation. I feel scared

06-10-16, 14:11
It's scary for me, too. However, the thing to keep reminding yourself of is that it's just anxiety :)