View Full Version : Can't accept this is anxiety

04-10-16, 15:43
Hey everyone,

So I had been doing well for a couple weeks and had been feeling better; but this past weekend I had a cold, had been recovering from a concussion and had been worried about a recurrent DVT even though I just had ano ultrasound a week and a half ago that came up perfect.

So the past few days I've been having pain on my ribcage below my armpits, no swollen nodes just pain on my ribs. Been having lower back pain and feeling like my spine is hurt, and then pain in my leg that I had the ultrasound on making me believe again I've got a dvt. It is just so crazy that these feelings seem to be stemmed from the anciety? maybe just not sleeping well enough from the anxiety or just a huge combination of it all but then it just starts getting my anxiety going all over again.

I can't seem to fully accept that anxiety is causing this and keep thinking something else is wrong with me. It is infuriating.

04-10-16, 15:50
Two things will really exacerbate anxiety.

- Poor Sleep/Low Energy
- Being Unwell

The brain is super sensitive to threats when it is more vunerable, so people susceptible to anxiety already will have a rough time.

The pain in your ribcage, back and armpits is normal for having a cold. Have you been coughing a lot?

Try and relax. Eat and drink well, and focus on recovering.

Your anxiety will then take a back seat.

04-10-16, 15:53
Two things will really exacerbate anxiety.

- Poor Sleep/Low Energy
- Being Unwell

The brain is super sensitive to threats when it is more vunerable, so people susceptible to anxiety already will have a rough time.

The pain in your ribcage, back and armpits is normal for having a cold. Have you been coughing a lot?

Try and relax. Eat and drink well, and focus on recovering.

Your anxiety will then take a back seat.

Yeah I had an awful weekend maybe only slept 8 hours total and I was sick on top of it. I have been coughing which then started the cycle of thinking I had a pulmonary embolism but I just had my blood done and it was great.

I've been eating better and got some sleep last night so that was good, just now I'm feeling all these other symptoms I hadn't felt prior so once again my thoughts run away from me.

Thank you for the quick reply!