View Full Version : Anyone else like me

04-10-16, 22:43
Hi everyone
I wonder if any one else is like me on here
Every so often I think I have heart problems I can't seem to breath or I breath to fast or I get a feeling of of discomfort in my breathing
I had ecg etc at docs
For some reason it gets me down if I'm not healthy I don't know why I can feel my pulce beating away most of the time
I went to the gym today to try and over ride the nec thoughts I went for a good 20 mins fast walk and then a 5 mins fast run to prove to my self it's not my heart but I'm still having trouble believing it
feel I won't test etc

04-10-16, 23:21
Hi Melvin

It is always the breathing and the heart with me too! I haven't had any tests but I've been like this since a child. There are a lot of people the same.

Sometimes I feel like my lungs aren't working properly then it'll be that I can't get enough air, then my heart will race or thud hard in my chest............blah blah blah!! :weep::mad::blush:

I was never convinced either that it was 'just' anxiety, that's because we don't think logically when we are tense and anxious.

You are not alone by any stretch of the imagination.

Although I would like to try and reassure you that you couldn't do a brisk 20 minute walk and a 5 minute fast run if there was anything wrong with your lungs or heart :wacko::wacko::wacko: I wish I could do that but I think I'm a lot older than you lol:lac::lac:


05-10-16, 05:24
Thank you for your reply Els
I am 54 though mate lol and I to have had anxiety since I was 17
I have tried everything to overcome it although I'm not as bad as I was x

05-10-16, 12:44
Hi Melvin,

That's me at the moment too- always aware of my breathing and thinking it's too shallow and worrying there is something wrong with my heart. I am definitely more aware of it when I am not doing anything. In fact I am sitting here now thinking my chest feels heavy and I am not breathing as deeply as I should.

I did the same as you yesterday and went to the gym and did a steady (wouldn't exactly call it 'brisk' but it did puff me out a little, as it should) walk for half an hour and everything was fine, didn't feel any problems with my breathing or chest then. I don't have any problems climbing stairs or going about my daily business and don't notice my breathing when I am active, just when I am sitting quietly.

Logically, I know that exertion or exercise would exacerbate any heart/ lung problems but since when has health anxiety been logical?

I'm going to try some mindfulness exercises later to see if this helps.

05-10-16, 22:38
Hi sara
Thank you for your reply x