View Full Version : Quiestions

30-03-07, 01:44
Im so worried. Im scared i have like scitzaphrania. Because i dont think i have anxiety but i have some of the symptoms. But ive been told that its a rare and only "runs in your family" mental disorder. And that if you think youre going mad your not. I still think i am. Im scared i have like something worse you know. Im scared if i exercise things wont ever get better and then ill have a bad illness. Im 13 Y.O. and Maybe it's stress but i dont want to be crazy nor do i want to be put in a mental hospital!:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

30-03-07, 09:26
It really sounds like you've got anxiety to me, and you're right, if you think you're mad, you aren't. You just sound like you've got a case of anxiety, lots of people your age think they've got serious illnesses of one sort or another, I bet if you talk to your friends you'd find someone else just as scared as you. Have you got a counsellor at school you can talk to? She/he will tell you how common it is for young people to be so scared about all sorts of things, maybe even organise for you to get checked out so you really know there's nothing wrong except you being scared.