View Full Version : help in a mad panic lymph nodes

05-10-16, 11:34
Hi there, im hoping someone else has had this as im getting myself into such a state. i have found a lump on the back of neck just where the hairline starts more to the left side. ive googled it and it looks like it could be the occipital gland? im so scared as ive read about cancer all the worst outcomes etc. can anyone help :-( :weep:

05-10-16, 11:57
Wow, that's a mega jump in thinking! First thing - you know that Googling is a lousy idea as you will always get the worst scenario. It could be a boil, cyst.. Much much more likely.
If you're concerned, go to your GP and leave the self diagnosis alone x

05-10-16, 12:05
i know its a massive jump! but i always think the worst, i have recently had a ear infection and the gland at the side of neck was swollen but now that has gone down but the one at the back is still there x

05-10-16, 18:46
Anyone else had a gland on back of neck ��

07-10-16, 20:46
Actually yes...I have. I have a sensitivity to fake earrings (my poor future husband! haha) And my lymph nodes swelled like you wouldn't believe. I didn't think there was any way a slight irritation of an earring could do such a thing! I went...got it checked out and sure enough it was the ear. Relax, deep breath and just go get checked out for peace of mind. Maybe they will put you on antibiotics to kick it out of your system. Good luck, and keep us posted!