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View Full Version : Have been putting it off

14-10-04, 09:28
Hi all

I've been putting if off going to see a therapist. Everyday I think i'm going to go this week and will make that phone call after work, but i never do! The thought fills me with dread and I know as soon as i arrange something i won't be able to stop thinking about it and dreading going.

Just walking in to the building and saying to the receptionist or whoever that i've got an apoointment will be enough. I suppose i'm avoiding facing my fear and it's not good because it will only prolong things. Also i don't want to get my hopes up only to find the therapy won't help.

I am really dreading all this and feel sick inside even thinking about it. But have got to do something as i've got lots of courses and meetings to go to where i might have to talk. I'm so fed up of having this phobia, just wish i could feel normal.

Sorry to go on.. letting things get to me this week.


14-10-04, 09:38

I have been seeing a counsellor and it has really helped me, I also dreaded going but it was fine when I got there as they are really there to help you. Although it's hard, facing your fear would be such an achievement wouldn't it?

I'm sure the therapy will really help you,let me know how you get on.

Take care

Elaine x

14-10-04, 11:13
Thank you. I am just so self conscious and worry about what people think of me. So i'm even worrying about what the therapist will think of me, silly i know.

Everything is getting on top of me. I'm at work and a colleague asked if i'm ok earlier, i just burst into tears. She was so understanding and said she could see something was wrong. I feel so stupid now though.

Alot has caught up with me - mainly my past, what i went through in my childhood, my phobia - having to cope with it, my health - had a few probs lately and work is stressing me out, the work is mounting up due to the services expanding but i'm scared i'm going to crack under the pressure.

I must make that appointment tonight.


14-10-04, 11:47
hello KW,

I see a counsellor as well and I was very scared about it at first. However, once I went for the first time, I was fine and immediately felt comfortable with her. Just tell yourself that the counsellor is on your side and is going to do everything he/she can to help you. Good luck!!

Sarah :D

14-10-04, 12:25
Hi KW!

I posted a topic about my fears seeing my counsellor as I felt as scared as you do! The first time you pick up the phone to make the appointment is torment but strangely, I felt relief as soon as the appointment had been made. As it got nearer the time, I tied myself up in knots and very nearly backed out. I was lucky to have a family member who decided to come along with me for support. Is there anyone you have close to you who can be there with you?

My first appointment went quite smoothly but the following 2 were quite harrowing as I began to face a lot of issues I'd been locking away. My visits are now becoming much easier and Im a lot calmer about the whole thing! I havent had a panic attack in over a week now and my fight with alcohol is becoming easier by the day.
None of your fears are silly. Please dont give yourself a hard time as you never chose to be this way.

You can do this. You are strong and you have all of us with you! :)

Make that call!

Big hugs


14-10-04, 13:56
I've made the appointment!

Just popped outside of work to make the call - and you're right Minny, I felt relief as soon as I started talking to the lady. She was so nice and said she's got just the right counsellor to see me about my phobia.

I'm so determined to fight this thing and move on in my life. I won't let it beat me.


14-10-04, 14:26
Hi KW,

Well Done I hope it helps you!

Take care


14-10-04, 15:10

Well done for making the appointment. I know how scary it is to start seeing a counsellor. I couldn't even phone to make the appointment myself, I had to ask my friend to do it for me. My friend came to the first appointment with me which helped me enormously.

I've been seeing my therapist since July and I feel much more comfortable with her now. I still can't talk much to her but she lets me write, which helps me feel more at ease and puts me under less pressure.

I have learnt so much about all my different issues and where a lot of my problems stem from since seeing her and it is helping me so much. I am sure this step will help you to overcome the social phobia.

When is your appointment? Let us know how you get on.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

14-10-04, 15:33
Hi there

So glad you were able to make an appt, see I told you it would make you feel better. You have achieved something already by ringing upi to make an appt. Well done you

Please let us know how you get on, we are all here if you need us.

Take care

Elaine x

14-10-04, 16:20
Well done you!! :)

I hope all goes well for you!

Love Minny..xxx

14-10-04, 16:26
Thank you so much for all of your support. I'm so glad i've at last made the appointment.

Briary - it's next Wednesday at 8.30pm.

Thank you for all your kind words.


14-10-04, 16:38
hi KW,

Well done mate!! I'm very pleased for you. Let us know how it goes, ok?

Sarah :D

14-10-04, 21:03
Well done KW, you've done the hardest bit making the appointment and once you've been the first time, it will get loads easier.

Good luck for next Wednesday!

Best wishes, Jo x

14-10-04, 21:15
Good luck for Wednesday KW.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

15-10-04, 19:30

I am sure you will love it once you get into it.

They will understand how scared you are and will support you through that too.

We look forward to hearing how it all goes next week.

Good luck ok?
