View Full Version : pins and needles - weak hands

30-03-07, 12:27

I know lots of us have had pins and needles, but i have them in my hands today and my hands feel really weak as well.

I do use the computer alot and my mobile phone for texting. I thought maybe it could be RSI

Why do i have to panic over every small little thing. its really getitng me down:weep:

love mandie x

30-03-07, 13:05
I panic over everything too dont worry

Every single day I feel dizzy, my fingers and arms tingle, I get headaches and weird pain zaps in my head.

Nothing seems to help me, you're not alone Mandie x

30-03-07, 15:25
Thanks for your reply David

Im just having bad day today. I seem to have every symptom going today so feeling sorry for myself.

I have the tingling in my arms today and a bad head, i keep thinking im gonna have a stroke!

Love mandie x

30-03-07, 19:17
I get that - I daren't pick valuable things up or glassware cos' my hands feel that they have no grasp. No visits to the local antique shops for me. It must be part of the anxiety - so please try not to worry. I hope you have a better day tomorrow. Are you over-tired, I find that sets me back a little with the tingles etc..

30-03-07, 19:31
You can get the doctor to check for RSI or carpal tunnel syndrome

Did you find the other posts about this as well?