View Full Version : It's complicated... adoption and other issues

05-10-16, 15:27
Hello Lovely People

My real name in Pol and I'm a northern expat. I'm new to this forum though have been browsing it for help for years! I'm currently in the process of reducing my citalopram dose, hence coming on here for a bit of reassurance. I have a bit of a complicated history - have always suffered a bit with anxiety/depression, but came close to a breakdown in 2013 when a brother I didn't know I had tracked me down - I was adopted as a baby and this opened up a whole can of worms where I found out things I wishes I hadn't about my background. 3 years on I'm in a job I love, happily married and feeling very settled, but it's been a long journey! (There is hope, folks!)

Anyway, hello, and have an awesome day. :yahoo:

05-10-16, 15:41
Hiya Bantam and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Sam Winter
05-10-16, 17:08
Hi there! x.
and welcome to NMP :welcome:
i am so glad to hear you're doing great and i hope you find the forums helpful :) if you ever need to talk you can feel free to send me a pm
all the best x

06-10-16, 10:43
Thanks for the welcome! I am struggling a little reducing the citalopram tbh. I work with students and am normally incredibly patient, but yesterday (after repeating the same thing to one of my students 4 times!) I snapped at her and felt pretty bad about this. I have a headache all the time and I think it's put me on a bit of a short fuse. I'm keen to know if this is temporary, and when I can expect it to level out again...:wacko: